• Votes


    free-/busy- search / Missing end-time

    In free-/busy-search only the start-time and duration is shown. It would be useful to specify the end time also. This would be a major relief for our secretariat, which ...

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    free/busy search shown as a calendar

    Our Users coming from Outlook are missing the calendar, which can be share to internal and external users, which displays all free/busy informations. GroupWise only have ...

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    One Note-Integration

    Our users coming from Outlook miss the integration to One Note. Meeting-Notes separate from calender with the possibelity to share or not to share are necessary in these ...

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    Vacation rule with integration of company logo

    There are no possibilities to integrate a jpeg in the vacation rules, only text. It should be possible to add a jpeg - or at least to Interact with the Signatures, to ...

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    Upload photos to messenger

    We would love to be able to upload photos to messenger or import them from eDirectory.

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    Public holidays Task Manager in GroupWise Admin console

    We have not found a central place to manage public holidays for existing and new users in GroupWise. Current solution 1: create an ICS file and send this to all user ...

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    Customizable WebAccess logging of Client IP, UserID and browser ...

    Security in an organization might require the GroupWise admin to gather information on a specific user's activity, including IP address. Currently, you must use both the ...

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    WebAccess GWAC.XML groups visibility set to "none" no longer work

    Previous versions of GroupWise allowed access control to WebAccess to be controlled via a group with visibility set to none. 2014 R2 and greater now require visibility ...

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    Add the ability to delegate appointments from a device using GMS

    I don't know if Active Sync can handle this or not, but it would be very handy to delegate an appointment from a device.

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    Include zen set up files with "client only" download

    Currently the "client only" downloads do not include the .fil and language files needed to create a silent install for rolling out with Zen. To make this work the entire ...

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    GW Admin console needs some kind of information on Webaccess, Calendar ...

    It would be very handy if the Overview screen contained information on Webaccess, the Calandar Server, and the Web Publishing host. At a minimum, it should give an ...

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    Refresh all RSS feeds with one click

    It would be nice to have the ability to right click the "GroupWise Feeds" folder and select "Refresh" and have the client refresh all RSS feeds at one time. As it is now, ...

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    Update licensing tool

    The licensing tool is *very* limited in what you can do. Also, it seems limited on the admin side. For instance: for some reason, after 20 plus years, our licensing ...

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    Yearly and Monthly recurring appointment dates get smart

    When entering an appointment to the calendar, most of the time you first enter the date and afterwards you set the date to a recurring factor. Lets say you choose the 15 ...

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    GroupWise Mobility Server - Need unlimited sync for old appointments

    GMS only snycs the appointments only some weeks (Month) backwards. But sometimes, we need more years frome the past. In Exchange you can choose if you like to sync some ...

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    More informations in logs on group/team mailboxes

    We use for some teams shared groupwise mailboxes like "sales@" or "informations@" and so on. Sometimes we have to now who has opened, deleted, forwarded or moved a mail ...

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    Reinitialize users without loosing configured devices & device configs ...

    We just need a possibility to "reinitialize users" without loosing the configured devices & device configs (calendar colors, active calendar, standard mail account & ...

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    In the Tasklist folder, new items automatically appear at the bottom ...

    The new task always appears at the bottom of the current list and must be manually sorted afterwards.

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    Ability to use Find to search the BC field of messages sent

    Sending a message with BC recipients, we have a user who would like the ability to use Find/Advanced Find and add the Filter Field of BC to filter on/search for that ...

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    Sent tasks in separated location

    If you send a task to other users, it is seems to be in Sent Items folder with other items, not in a separated location. So the sender of tasks could not manage them very ...