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    vacation rule with variables

    Each time I go on Vacation I have to edit in the text when I will be back. It would be great if there is a possibility to work with variables in the text like <startdate> ...

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    Better handling of EML (with attached email) from Barracuda (BitLeap) ...

    Email restored from Barracuda Backup will not restore if the email has another email attached. The downloaded EML file cannot be opened by GW if there is another email ...

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    HTML format bar at top

    GW 8 has the HTML, text format bar at the top of the text composition window. GW 2014 changed it to the bottom, though I don't quite understand the rationale for this. ...

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    Folder List Search and Parse

    Provide a search bar in the folder list section that quickly parses and shows only folders with your value, could be a project name or number. Saves tons of time ...

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    Native anti-virus support for Groupwise Client

    During a trip to a Kaspersky conference, I asked about native support for groupwise. The development person I spoke with looked puzzled that i would suggest such a thing. ...

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    Sync the contacts from a personal Contact book instead of the Frequent ...

    When using the Calendar Server (gwcalsrv) to sync contacts to a native Mac mail client/accounts. Set it so you can select which Contact book(s) you can sync - or sync the ...

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    Make GroupWise deployable from zenworks

    Why is it so difficult to deploy your own email client? Why not make it like the Zenworks agent deployable from ZENworks. It would be even cooler if you could check for ...

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    reminder for meetings/appointments

    I would love a feature that alerts you to upcoming meetings or appointments. For example, if you have an appointment set on your schedule, an alert would pop up on your ...

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    Calendar integration with 3th party generated e-mail

    A 3th party generated e-mail has an attached XML file. This file has special contain, describes an appointment. The Groupwise can detect and read this special file, and ...

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    Out of office

    We can not see if the out of office is activated or not. Or, it is important if we change our mind and cancel our meeting...

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    dark mode

    pretty self explanatory, a darkmode ui version for groupwise

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    Allow Users to Suggest Emails as Spam

    I sometimes as a user get emails that are NOT caught by the automatic filters that are in place. I wish I could somehow flag these so that my administrator could see ...

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    Add compatibility to Exchange-EWS

    A lot of applications we need are now using the new Exchange-EWS instead of or in addition to Active Sync. Missing Exchange-EWS compatiblity in GW is a huge Problem.

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    option to include partners from other universities to calender

    One thing I really would need is the option to include extern persons, e.g. partners from other universities, to the calender - also when they not use groupwise. Time ...

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    dynamic synchronising of groupwise calender to other calenders

    I use since years the google calender, since I am travelling often, and cannot always work with VPN. However, also on travels I need to update my calender, and therefore ...

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    Provide option to highlight in yellow the search text in the search ...

    It will be grateful if to make search more easy and flexible, For Example, whenever write any text in the search box there should be given options of (From, Subject etc) ...

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    I would like to have the capacity to forward multiple attachments when ...

    I would like to have the capacity to forward multiple attachments when needed rather than forwarding them one at a time.

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    Huge Useability Issues

    When do you attend to start developing your software platform? GroupWise seems to have been stuck in the 90s. Huge useability and ergonomy issues (like false followup of ...

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    Make Groupwise open source (AGPL v3)

    The AGPL (Affero Gnu Public License) is the standard and proven model for open-sourcing SAAS software. MicroFocus can still continue its business model of selling ...