Like probably many companies and organizations we use many groups for internal purposes only. Until Groupwise 8 these internal distributions lists were not accessible from the internet. Groups in Groupwise 2014 are accessible indeed! To prevent these groups from receiving Internet E-Mail i.e. Malware would be great and improves security in Groupwise!
by: Michael B. | over a year ago | Other
That is and always was a configurable setting. "Expand groups on incoming messages"
That's only configurable on GWIA Level. Wouldn't it be nice to disable single groups from receiving Intenet E-Mail?
That's certainly true, but not what your idea says. And it's already possible too, albeit a bit awkward. You can add the email address of the distribution list to an ACL blocking it from internet email in GWIA. What would be great is to be able to add distribution lists directly to a class of service as object, and deny only the distribution list istelf from email that way, and not its members (that's what happens today when you do this)