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    AAF dashboard allow you to set alerts when servers reach a threshold

    AAF dashboard allow you to set alerts when servers reach a threshold such as disk free, cpu, and RAM usage and alerting when any of those hit customer-defined thresholds ...

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    re-design the otp tool to use a more secure chain to authenticate ...

    re-design the otp tool to use a more secure chain to authenticate other than ldap password

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    aaf integration with Microsoft remote desktop on mac

    aaf integration with Microsoft remote desktop on mac

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    Allow for local hardware to be recognized in a double-hop of Terminal ...

    Allow for local hardware to be recognized in a double-hop of Terminal Services with AAF.

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    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Should be able to combine multiple ...

    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Should be able to combine multiple search filters together

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    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Needs to allow searches based on Client ...

    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Needs to allow searches based on Client OS

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    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Needs ability to sort by any column

    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Needs ability to sort by any column

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    add force_offline_enabled option to the aaf mac client

    In scenarios where the network connection is slow or unstable, you can allow users to perform an offline login manually. This saves the user’s time for the login process. ...

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    AAF smartphone app text formatting issues

    The Smartphone app, on iOS at least, needs some minor formatting improvements and English language fixes. Please see attached screenshot. Problems: Needs a little bit ...

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    Bulk actions on OATH Tokens and Locked Users

    We would like to see a bulk actions ability added to the token management page for deleting tokens in bulk as well as the ability to unlock users in bulk in the Help desk ...

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    Windows local user password change using Forgotten Password ...

    Using forgotten password service ( over forgotten password link) with AAF Client version allows change password for Cached and Network password only in the first ...

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    Having audit information on who logged in as another user and where ...

    We have in logs but a report to quickly pull up and see this has been asked for by customers.

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    user enrollment report with date enrolled and last login

    User list report just lists accounts and last login, but not enrollment date

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    In Helpdesk module have type ahead as we do in Admin portal

    In help desk module you must type entire username. Any way we can allow type ahead as we have in Admin portal for assigning a user or group to a chain?

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    Mobile application for Android Face-Unlock option

    Since more and more Android mobiles are providing face unlock option it would be great to have face unlock as an additional option for the existing pin & fingerprint ...

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    RISK Engine only show single chain based on RISK level

    Currently with RISK if a user is "LOW" RISK they see 3 Chains to select. Would like to have ability to only show the single chain based on RISK. When the user is LOW ...

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    Remove validation of phone numbers to check for "+"

    For the users to use the SMS OTP, AA validates the phone number when the phone number does not exist and the user enters the phone number. This validation is is done for ...

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    Authenticator App: Add Search Field

    If you have multiple TOTP registered authenticators in Authenticator App you have to scroll like Thor to find the TOTP you need to authenticate. I would suggest to add a ...

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    Allow more than one 'Windows Hello' method per user

    We want to be able to use more than one 'Windows Hello' method per user. Some users have more than one computer with 'Windows Hello' capabilities and they want to ...

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    Integrate SSPR into AAF Appliance

    It would be great to have the option to install SSPR on the same appliance.