• Votes


    MFA Smartphone native NetIQ App avoid additonal info after QR code ...

    - Customer uses AAF Version: 5.6 and Access Manager 4.4. - Using the current version, an additonal info entry is offered after the scan of the QR code for an ...

  • Votes


    Better Health Check

    We desire the ability for web servers to have their health checked regularly to see if they can process authentication attempts. If not, the web server should be disabled ...

  • Planned


    Allow more than one smartphone\PKI card for user

    We want to be able to use more than one smartphone\PKI card authenticators. For example, user has more than one smartphone and he want to be able to authenticate using ...

  • Votes


    Add support for Mac OS TouchID as an advanced auth authentication ...

    Add support for Mac OS TouchID as an advanced authentication authentication method

  • Planned


    authenticator sharing

    Allow a shared authenticator to be used regardless of whether or not the the account it is shared with has the same authenticator enrolled or not. For example, if a ...

  • Votes


    Certificate filter - Hide expired certificates

    Please hide expired certificates in the "certificate list" during the PKI enrollment

  • Votes


    Audit logging of actions by Enroll Admins in the Helpdesk console

    All actions of Enroll Admins within the Helpdesk console should be logged -- information should include at least which authenticator for which user by a particular Enroll ...

  • Votes


    Countdown next to the QR code to show how long the QR code will still ...

    It would be very convenient if a countdown were displayed next to the QR code so that the user can see how many seconds remain to scan the QR code.

  • Votes


    Automatic Logout with countdown display

    To make sure that users do not leave their session unattended, an automatic logout, which you can optionally enable and set up a time interval (5, 10, 15) minutes as an ...

  • Votes


    AA should have an option for customers to choose to completely ...

    AA should have an option for customers to choose to completely eliminate the mandatory Endpoint trust relationship mechanism built into AA thick clients (Win/Mac/Linux). ...

  • Planned


    Determine RADIUS event by client IP address

    In a situation where an environment has multiple RADIUS events, the RADIUS event that is intended to be used by the connecting RADIUS client is determined by the ...

  • Votes


    SMS-OTP Authenticator allows letters and special characters in the ...

    Currently, users can also enter letters and special characters in the phone number input field. This of course leads to the fact that the telephone numbers cannot be ...

  • Planned


    update notification

    Notify the administrator about open updates (of services as well as OS). Ideally this would automatically be part of the admin dashboard on login. Also a customization ...

  • Votes


    Ability for caching shared (linked) authenticators

    In reference to SR#101184179111 Today, AAF is not able to cache credentials on windows,linux, macos for users they are using shared (linked) authenticators. Please ...

  • Votes


    Inconsistent input check on the login page

    The input check on the login page is not consistent. If you do not enter a user name, no error message "No user name" is displayed. If you do not enter a password, the ...

  • Planned


    Support for more Linux distribution

    Some customer would like to integrate the AAF with other linux derivatives as example debian. So it is possible to get more security on environments with different ...

  • Votes


    Ability to use configurable LDAP queries

    depending of content of custom attributes like CUSTOMER_EMPLOYEE_TYPE either internal or external or 401k the customer wants to adjust LDAP queries and searches

  • Votes


    Windows local user password change using Forgotten Password ...

    Using forgotten password service ( over forgotten password link) with AAF Client version allows change password for Cached and Network password only in the first ...

  • Votes


    Smartphone App: copy the OTP code to the clipboard

    By tapping the OTP code it is possible to copy the OTP code to the clipboard so it is easy to paste in other apps.

  • Votes


    RISK Engine only show single chain based on RISK level

    Currently with RISK if a user is "LOW" RISK they see 3 Chains to select. Would like to have ability to only show the single chain based on RISK. When the user is LOW ...