Some customer would like to integrate the AAF with other linux derivatives as example debian.
So it is possible to get more security on environments with different operating systems.
by: Kevin S. | over a year ago | Integrations
by: Kevin S. | over a year ago | Integrations
Some customer would like to integrate the AAF with other linux derivatives as example debian.
So it is possible to get more security on environments with different operating systems.
by: Kevin S. | over a year ago | Integrations
Debian, Ubuntu, more SLES versions will be supported in the next version (6.0)
AA v6.0 will be available in a Docker Distribution. This distribution can be used on whatever platform the client wants as long as it runs Docker (and hopefully some Docker manager such as Zookeeper).
Done in 6.0
What is the timeline for availability of 6.0?
Andrew, it's already available:
Great, thanks!
Troy mentioned Docker distribution, is there an official guide or documentation for that? Will it become available on Dockerhub or similar platforms?
As far as I could see, there's only the SLES-based ova/hyperv templates, right now, right?
>Troy mentioned Docker distribution
We plan to get it, but don't have it at the moment.
>As far as I could see, there's only the SLES-based ova/hyperv templates, right now, right?
At the end of the month we will also have ISO for Xenserver.
Please keep this topic on Linux. Other question can be asked on the AAf List or in email and other enhancement should have their own entry. Just trying to keep things where they Thank you. Troy
To all who have entered comments here. Please see the AAf v6.0 list of supported Linux versions and ensure that this is complete.