Notify the administrator about open updates (of services as well as OS).
Ideally this would automatically be part of the admin dashboard on login.
Also a customization for an email notification would be great.
This information should also provide a path or link to the client resources that have been updated in this process like client applications and device service for example.
These could also be provided as a download by the aaf appliance itself.
by: Hauke B. | over a year ago | Dashboards/Visualization
Some notifications are coming in v6 and more in v 6.1
This is in many cases handled by the client SOC.
Perhaps consider adding an "Admin view" on the NetIQ mobile app (that is only available for users that have the "Full Admin" role and that have the mobile phone app installed) and in that view you could have a "notifications" area that would display a notification if a new update is released.