• Votes


    Add NAS-IP-Address to Radius event

    Please add NAS-IP-Address (Attribut-Type 4) to Radius event. Because some Appliances (as example Cisco ASA) do not support NAS-Identifier.

  • Votes


    Option to hide QR Code in TOTP enrollment

    It would be a good feature if there is an option to disable the QR-Code or hide the QR Code, if TOTP method is enrolled. If a user re-open an enrolled T-OTP over the ...

  • Votes


    Check if firewall ports are open

    We would prefer an Option to check if needed Firewall Ports are open. In our opinion this check-up can be located in the Management Consol of AAF. Additionally there ...

  • Votes


    Using the Smartphone app push notification to Accept/Decline ...

    During enrollment, we don't have a notification of the enrollment process that is acknowledged by the user being enrolled. So far the methods we have assume that the ...

  • Votes


    Support for Configuring SMS Sender Policy Using a JSON Body or CURL ...

    Currently when configuring the SMS Sender policy we only support submitting parameters in the http request URL. I was working with a customer that uses Avaya as their ...

  • Votes


    Disable/remove save button when (smartphone) method is enrolled, ...

    The save button is confusing for users if the method is already enrolled. Deleting an re-adding the method is easier to explain to users, especially if "Enroll TOTP ...

  • Votes


    Help Desk "Change User"

    Currently need to click on 'username' to get to 'change user'. Not as intuitive for new users. Can it be a separate button on top to click?

  • Votes


    Define authentication levels for each individual chain

    We have an enterprise access management/SSO application (ForgeRock OpenAM) used to protect web applications. We are looking to integrate Advanced Authentication with it ...

  • Votes


    Brute force / BOT Attack and Data leakage Prevention

    A change in authentication flow can help prevent brute force bot attacks: 1. Information leakage - valid usernames & passwords discovery 2. User lockout due to bad ...

  • Votes


    AA should have a well-thought out configuration option for explicitly ...

    AA should have a well-thought out configuration option for explicitly designated AA Webserver role servers to turn off access to all portals ...

  • Votes


    Improve Client Log rotation

    Please improve the client log rolling The debugging of a sporadically issue is very worse if the logging is running several days/weeks. Today for the naming of the log ...

  • Votes


    Temporarily block user account after x failed attempts – when endpoint ...

    Feature: Being able to configure the system to temporarily block user account after x failed attempts (for instance account could be blocked for 30mn after 5 failed ...

  • Votes


    Ability to authenticate trough RADIUS if LDAP Passwor dis expired

    Please provide an option to allow authentication trough RADIUS if LDAP Password is expired. Today: It is not possible to authenticate trough the radius event with a ...

  • Planned


    AAF smartphone app should allow you to copy the TOTP enrollments

    AAF smartphone app should allow you to copy the TOTP enrollments

  • Planned


    Add more than one bluetooth authenticator device

    Customer ask for ability to configure more than one bluetooth device as an authenticator. For example, to use either smart watch or smartphone.

  • Votes


    Ability to install Export file from Console as root

    Customer has AA Appliances inside DMZ and unable to import from a web or ftp server. Would like ability to install from console to a UNC path. Even better allow to ...

  • Planned


    Modify Client Login Extension

    We would like to request the client login extension link be shown before chain selection in the Windows agent. Currently it only shows up if the user selects the LDAP ...

  • Votes


    Gernerate OTPs for other Services with the OTP Tool

    Customers wish an ability to generate OTPs for other services with the OTP Tool.

  • Votes


    Rolling over RADIUS authentication

    getting a possibility to check PIN + OTP on AA and once this is not accepting / valid fowarding the PIN and OTP to a 3rd party AAA server -> using then the Radius Client ...

  • Votes


    Different set of security questions for different groups of users

    Currently when defining security questions, we define a set of questions applicable for the entire AA instance. It is desirable to have different sets of security ...