• Votes


    Provide Advanced Authentication as .ova in addition to .iso

    The Advanced Authentication appliance is only available as an .iso. In addition to .iso, we would like to have Advanced Authentication provided as an .ova in addition to ...

  • Planned


    Hide offline OTP option if offline OTP is disabled in Smartphone ...

    Current situation: When offline OTP is disabled for the Smartphone method, the user is still presented the ability to authenticate with the offline OTP at the AAF web ...

  • Votes


    Add date/time parameter for Email OTP method

    We want to have the ability to configure date/time parameter. Currently we're limited in what we can configure in the email template. By sending date/time, users can for ...

  • Planned


    search field for locked user for the helpdesk portal / ability to ...

    It would be a good to add these two features. 1) Add search field to search for users in the locked users-list 2) If a user will be opened in the help desk (where you can ...

  • Votes


    Add Healthcheck URL for Load Balancing

    The current solution for a load balancer to determine the status of an AA web server is to build rules based on the AAF published API. Suggest adding a single ...

  • Votes


    Configuration of Windows Client through command line arguments at ...

    The Windows Client must be configured/customized post installation through the config.properties file. For options where it makes sense, it would be beneficial to ...

  • Votes


    Provide PKCS#11 (SmartCard) Libraries automatically

    Please provide several PKCS#11 Libraries (Safenet[Gemalto,Axalt,...], OpenSC, CardOS, YubiKey, etc) automatically with the Device Service. This makes it easier to use ...

  • Votes


    Support RADIUS Authentication Methods CHAP and MS-CHAP

    Our IT-Security Department forbid the usage of PAP because of severe security issues. Please support at least MS-CHAP, otherwise we can't use the AA RADIUS for our ...

  • Votes


    AAF Webserver without directly connection to LDAP

    In adition to https://ideas.microfocus.com/MFI/advance-authentication/Idea/Detail/14920 It would be very nice if an AAF Webserver may check user data directly over their ...

  • Votes


    Use STARTTLS for LDAP-based repositories

    LDAP supports STARTTLS to encrypt communications using TLS. STARTTLS begins as a plaintext connection over the standard LDAP port (389), and that connection is then ...

  • Planned


    Forward other logs besides Syslog

    We would like to be able to forward more than just the 'Syslog' log to a syslog server. We find the other logs having valuable information and being able to forward all ...

  • Votes


    Regenerate endpoint id and secret without having to delete and ...

    It would be convinenet to be able to regenerate an Endpoint's id and secret instead of the current process of having to delete the endpoint and re-creating it. When ...

  • Votes


    Support for RSA's Next Token Mode

    RSA SecurID Access has Next Token Mode. This is where the user may be challenged to provide a second token code on their RSA keyfob after providing a first one due to ...

  • Votes


    Provide a country code dropdown when enrolling in SMS OTP

    The user should be provided a dropdown box with a list of country codes that they must select before they can save their phone number for the SMS OTP. This forces their ...

  • Votes


    Event Based Lockout Policies

    We would like to see event based lockout policies with the ability to configure different lockout attempt thresholds and durations and not effect other events for the ...

  • Votes


    Enable ability to customize AAF login page

    For AAF login page would like to be able to change the text “User name” to “Email Address” and “REPOSITORY\user” to Email Address” since we want the users to use email ...

  • Votes


    Windows Client set default Domain in config.properties

    Add an option to the Windows Client to set a default Domain in config.properties. Example: defaultDomain: DOMAINNAME Expected behaviour: The user types USERNAME (without ...

  • Votes


    Use the NetIQ iOS app to generate one time passwords from a YubiKey ...

    We would like it if the NetIQ implemented the Yubico iOS SDK so that our users could use a single app for the smartphone method and also to get YubiKey one time ...

  • Votes


    Allow for customization of labels when AD password is not sync

    Typically, when you change your AD password, you have a message displayed after you successfully logon (OS or Mac Logon) which indicates: ‘"Enter password for sync". We ...

  • Votes


    device service should give error that bluetooth is not present

    The device service should give an error message if bluetooth device is not present like the device service does when a card reader is not present. Otherwise when a user ...