The user should be provided a dropdown box with a list of country codes that they must select before they can save their phone number for the SMS OTP. This forces their enrolled phone number ot have a country code and meet the possible requirements of a SMS gateway.


  • Should this list be complete as that is quite a long (240) for users to scroll through or should this be an administratively manageable list for ease of use?

  • Valid question. I think instead of a dropdown box with pre-defined options, have a separate, free-text field where it is intended for the user to provide a country code. This way the ownership is on the user to provide the correct country code for their phone number and no one has to manage the list (micro focus or the administratiors.)

  • I think full drop down, but the administrator should be able to prioritise up to 10(?) primary prefixes that would show at the top of the drop down. Surely this could be AJAX/REST'ed from some source easily.