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    Separate out application logs into it's own tab/file

    Current situation: Application logs (in CEF) are written to Syslog. Syslog also has OS-related information written to it. It is sometimes difficult to find certain ...

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    Allow IP address in multiple RADIUS events

    We are leveraging the NAS Identifier in that each of our RADIUS configurations have an Event for each chain. This enables us to provide our users a clever way to select ...

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    Set CEF log forward policy per site

    We want to forward the CEF logs to our enterprise logging solution that has data collectors all over the globe. It would be desirable to set the Syslog destination on a ...

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    Ability to rename Interface field names (Especially the Interfaces ...

    I have a customer that rolled out AAF for enterprise users with SMS and TOTP as their authentication mechanisms. On roll out they noticed that helpdesk started receiving ...

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    Extend REST-API - Assign User to existing OTP Token or Bulk import

    Please add these two functions in the Rest-API 1) Assign Users to an Existing OTP Token which is imported 2) Import for OTP tokens with Serialnumber & set a flag to make ...

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    pin expiry reminder

    Could you add a reminder on login if a PIN is about to expire soon? Ideally I can configure how many days before expiry the reminder comes up.

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    The exported report to include combined metrics from sites

    Currently reports generated only for site, where it was initiated. It will be nice to have an option to select is specific report should be generated by site or cluster.

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    Just in time import of SMS OTP and MAIL OTP when available on LDAP

    When using LDAP attribute to autocreate SMS OTP and Mail OTP methods, they are imported with delay If a customer has alternive ways to enroll SMS OTP and Mail OTP ...

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    Change or delete a single secret question

    We would like the ability to delete or change the answer to a single secret question. As it seems now, when a user wants to change the value for a secret question or have ...

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    Azure AD as repository

    Advanced Authentication can be configured as an IDP for Azure AD. However, it is necessary AA connects to Active Directory in order to register the user and enrol ...

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    SMS OTP and Mail OTP: Force number/mail validation during Save

    We would like to be able to force user to verify his email address / mobile number when they are adding/modofying manually an SMS OTP / Mail OTP method from ...

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    More flexibility for Reports

    Some customers wish more flexibility for their Reports. Please provide an option that an admins can select which specific information are needed for the report. As an ...

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    Mobile application for Android Face-Unlock option

    Since more and more Android mobiles are providing face unlock option it would be great to have face unlock as an additional option for the existing pin & fingerprint ...

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    AAF should recognize if user was authenticated by thirdparty before ...

    In our viewpoint AAF should be able to recognize if the user comes from the ThinClient. For an example: Scenario1: ThinClient & Citrix &VDI (without AAF) 1. Customer ...

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    Dynamic SMS gateway

    If there are more than one SMS gateways being used by an organization, there needs to be a dynamic configuration available for the same. The current example can if the ...

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    OTP Message should include a variable with the timestamp of the OTP

    On version 5.6U1 the SMS OTP method allows for specific variables to be added as part of the message to be sent to the user. At the moment, only 4 variables are available ...

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    Redesign the TOTP flow for an enduser

    We are working with version 6.1.x The NAAF screens are very technical for an end user. Make security easy for those who are non technical please. Ask a UX-er to help ...

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    Allow AAF to import branding from Access Manager automatically

    Hi guys, Can we please update the https://aafapp.demo.live/admin#/policies/WebAuthOptions page so that it can automatically download the standard branding from Access ...

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    Integrate SSPR into AAF Appliance

    It would be great to have the option to install SSPR on the same appliance.

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    Allow for customization of labels when using TOTP

    Typically, when you enroll a device using a TOTP authenticator app like Google's or Microsoft's, after you enroll, the account shows up with the name of the application ...