• Votes


    Remove Copyright information in Login Screen

    Remove the Copyright information in Login Screen (Copyright © 2017 NetIQ. All rights reserved. Build: NAAF-5.6). For risk purposes, the product name should not be shown.

  • Votes


    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Needs to allow Helpdesk/ENROLL ADMINS ...

    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Needs to allow Helpdesk/ENROLL ADMINS role the ability to access this screen. Today they can only see user enrollments, but an equal part of ...

  • Votes


    Define authentication levels for each individual chain

    We have an enterprise access management/SSO application (ForgeRock OpenAM) used to protect web applications. We are looking to integrate Advanced Authentication with it ...

  • Votes


    Provide a country code dropdown when enrolling in SMS OTP

    The user should be provided a dropdown box with a list of country codes that they must select before they can save their phone number for the SMS OTP. This forces their ...

  • Votes


    Option to use repositories instead of groups

    Everywhere we can limit something by group, it would be nice to be able to limit by repository as well. We have a repository that contains only user objects. We can ...

  • Planned


    Forward other logs besides Syslog

    We would like to be able to forward more than just the 'Syslog' log to a syslog server. We find the other logs having valuable information and being able to forward all ...

  • Votes


    Configurable grace period before a user is deleted from AA due to not ...

    Repositories will do a periodic sync. A user is deleted from an AA repository if they are not returned in the result set of a repository sync. Deleting a user from AA is ...

  • Votes


    Configurable clean up limit to prevent the mass deletion of users as a ...

    Repositories will do a periodic sync. A user is deleted from an AA repository if they are not returned in the result set of a repository sync. Deleting a user from AA is ...

  • Votes


    Different set of security questions for different groups of users

    Currently when defining security questions, we define a set of questions applicable for the entire AA instance. It is desirable to have different sets of security ...

  • Votes


    Audit logging of configuration changes

    It would be beneficial to have an audit log of configuration changes (repositories, methods, chains, events, endpoints, etc.) to have some accountability and for ...

  • Votes


    Audit logging of actions by Enroll Admins in the Helpdesk console

    All actions of Enroll Admins within the Helpdesk console should be logged -- information should include at least which authenticator for which user by a particular Enroll ...

  • Votes


    Automatic linking of authenticators to like users

    This can be done in the Helpdesk portal but it would be nice to have the automatic linking of authenticators to like users. The criteria by which to define 'like users' ...

  • Votes


    Configuration of Windows Client through command line arguments at ...

    The Windows Client must be configured/customized post installation through the config.properties file. For options where it makes sense, it would be beneficial to ...

  • Votes


    Support for RSA's Next Token Mode

    RSA SecurID Access has Next Token Mode. This is where the user may be challenged to provide a second token code on their RSA keyfob after providing a first one due to ...

  • Votes


    Specify chain through RADIUS attribute

    For RADIUS Server event, you can specify multiple chains. As part of the RADIUS challenge-response authentication, it is possible to explictly define a chain to ...

  • Votes


    Regenerate endpoint id and secret without having to delete and ...

    It would be convinenet to be able to regenerate an Endpoint's id and secret instead of the current process of having to delete the endpoint and re-creating it. When ...

  • Votes


    Validate correct password when saving repository settings

    Every time you adjust the settings of a repository, you are required to provide a password for the user you are connecting as however there is no check to see if the ...

  • Planned


    Allow enroll admins the ability to unlock user accounts

    When a user is locked out according to the Lockout policy, it would be desirable for someone with enroll admin role to be able to unlock a user. Typically unlocking users ...

  • Votes


    Customize RADIUS Reply-Messages per method in a chain

    Applications that correctly implement RADIUS will show the Reply-Message value sent from the AAF server when authenticating with a chain. Right now, the Reply-Message ...

  • Votes


    Display serial number of enrolled HOTP authenticator

    It would be beneficial for a user to see the serial number of their currently enrolled HOTP authenticator in the authenticators management portal. A user may have one or ...