It would be beneficial to have an audit log of configuration changes (repositories, methods, chains, events, endpoints, etc.) to have some accountability and for troubleshooting
by: Tim S. | over a year ago | Configuration
by: Tim S. | over a year ago | Configuration
It would be beneficial to have an audit log of configuration changes (repositories, methods, chains, events, endpoints, etc.) to have some accountability and for troubleshooting
by: Tim S. | over a year ago | Configuration
Agreed. We will get this added.
With 6.0 the logging has been enhanced with more actions being logged to Syslog. Are there plans to add the user of the one who created/modified/deleted a repository/chain/event, etc? Right now we know something has changed but it would be nice to remove all doubts and have the logs say who changed it.
Tim - please confirm that you are satisfied with the additions in v6.0
6.0 was a great start however it does not include who made the change.
I cannot explain how that was missed. I will work on having it added.