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    Support other distributions for the zenworks agent repository.

    setting up zenworks as a repository to allow yum or zypper to keep agents and files updated seem a much more efficient and functional method of deploying and keeping the ...

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    force bundle to install

    zenworks has a build in intelligence to see if install actions are needed or not. eg. if you just change the bundle name and increase the version - the install actions ...

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    Database Migration support from MSSQL to PostgreSQL

    With the newly introduced support of PostgreSQL, it should be possible to migrate from MSSQL to (external or remoted OEM) PostgreSQL database. As of relase of 2017 ...

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    Prevent Agent install from restarting automatically

    We image our PCs using MDT. Our base image does not include Zenworks for obvious reasons, so we push the application out as part of the process. Unfortunately, after ...

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    Add Version for Sandbox

    It is nice to hava a versionnumber in the status, when you want to test a new bundle. When you refresh the Client with zac ref, the new versionnumber makes it more ...

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    uninstall agent script

    ability to silently uninstall agent via a script file for Windows and xplat agents

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    reboot behavior should follow window 10 settings

    In windows 10 you now have a setting to control microsoft updates and upgrades to a specific time when the machine is not used. Zenworks agent, ZEUS, and patches should ...

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    Able to select ZENworks Component for Adaptive Agent, Size too big

    Current StandAlone Agent Installer is 1.1 GB which is HUGE comparing to competitors. ZENworks should have ability to allow selection of Agent Components ( or based on ...

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    Improve Unistall Speed for ZENworks Agent

    Currently, unistalling ZENworks Agent takes 5-8 minutes which is very long. Need improvement in uninstall speed

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    Please shorten the logon duration (flush ZENworks cache by zac cc ...

    We have found out, that the ZENworks Agent Service touches every file in ZENworks cache during logon phase with Windows Performance Analyzer. If ZENworks cache is ...

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    Disable/enable requiments

    In several forms, there is the possibility to add requiments in the bunble or in the actions that these. Will it be possible to add a checkbox to "temporarily" disable ...

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    Install ZCC Helper to the local machine

    Hi Since ZCC helper has been introduced having lots of challenges with installing it and upgrading it consistently and all goes back to it installing into the User ...

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    gpo agent install

    Asking for official support to push out zen agent via gpo. There are some cool solutions example ...

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    support for debian linux

    Want to install Zenworks on all our servers, one of the first servers we go to install it on it doesn't support the OS. Debian Linux support please :)

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    functionality to install UPW-Apps like MSI or Microsoft-Store ...

    Microsoft is changing the default-way to install Applications. They switch from Classic-Applications to "Modern-Apps" in UWP-Containers. Some software is still only ...

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    Check for too long path names when "install directory" is used

    Hello from germany. I recognized some days ago that there is a problem when you upload a directory which contains very long path names, which is near the 255 character ...

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    Add platform support for SLES 12 SP2

    ZENworks 11.4.3 & 2017 support up to SLES 12 SP1.

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    Uninstallation of MSI ignores Requirements

    This is more of a bug than a desired feature. When making a bundle that will suit both a 32 bit and 64 bit device, I import the 32 bit and 64 bit MSIs into the same ...

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    bundle groups - Assignments

    When I assign bundle groups to a device only the single bundles are visible in application launcher or startmenu not the bundle group. I want to be able to make also ...

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    Customized slim agent OR local caching in network agent installer

    Customers of ours find the full agent very large (~600MB). Half of it is the FDE component and non-Enligh files in ZESM which is rarely used among these customers. The ...