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    Log satellite server information to a separate log

    As a support person I would like the satellite server information logged to a different file than the rest of the agent so that when I'm attempting to troubleshoot ...

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    Nano Editor in Appliance

    Since the appliance is based on but not beholden to SLES, it would be nice if the nano editor were bundled in it. SLES has an aversion to this editor, but it is much ...

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    CentOS Support

    We are starting to implement CentOS into our data centers more and more to replace RHEL servers so we're in dire need for a complete management solution like ZCM to ...

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    More diligent RHEL release support

    The RHEL support is limited to version 7 GA ("Service Pack 0"). While RHEL 7.1 has shipped in 2015-03 and RHEL 7.2 in 2015-11, the Zenworks 11.4.2 update which has been ...

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    3rd party yum repository replication

    Currently you can not scope other yum repositories in Subscriptions -> Create New Subscription -> RPM-MD Subscription. Platform does not scope to Scientific Linux ...

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    Provide a means to monitor and stop CDP threads

    As a support person I need the ability to see the CDP threads running on my content servers, identify what they are doing and how long, and be able to stop them on ...

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    Randomly pick a device that is on to be the Wake on LAN proxy server

    If ZCM could randomly pick a device that is on to be the proxy server to send the magic packet out, this would help the customer get rid of the current power management ...

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    Logging based on rolling dates should have a number of backup files ...

    The option to set local device logging to rolling based on date (daily or monthly pattern) should include a number of backup files option, just like the rolling based on ...

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    Support generic LDAP as user source for ZENworks

    As of today, ZENworks can use only edirectory or active directory as user source for authentication as well as assignments. The idea is to support any user source that ...

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    Location Awareness Lite Should Support SSID

    SSID use in location currently requires "Full Location". However, some customers use "Location Lite" to avoid conflicts with other 3rd Party Drivers that may not behave ...