• Votes


    Add full CIFS remote server support to FTP Services in OES

    The standard and the future of the access protocols used also in an OES environment is CIFS/SMB. Today the FTP gateway functionality in OES supports to have one central ...

  • Votes


    Make the NuRM a configurable , repeating task.

    Make the NuRM a configurable , repeating task. i.e. Admin sets a user map source and an AD match (Cn vs samaccountname) and then it runs on a repeating schedule to make ...

  • Votes


    Upgrade (Migration) to OES 2015 - Check for expired certificates

    The upgrade routine should check for expired certificates as STEP 1 in the upgrade process. This should be a Prerequisites checklist type of upgrade routine. If any of ...

  • Votes


    NSS support for NFSv4

    There have been some occasional requests for exposing NSS via NFSv4 protocol. If this is of interest to you please, add a comment with the use case and up vote it.

  • Votes


    Make OES core components open source and part of SUSE

    Make OES core services open source and part of SUSE I know: this is easier said then done. For that, I will not too much go into the patent/lagel/IP stuff that may be ...

  • Votes


    Roles for NRM

    This idea was originally submitted (Dec.4 2015) by one of our customer via our older Enhancement Request repository (RMS, record# 106371) Problem Description: Right now ...

  • Votes


    NSS. Provide Support for Trustee Rights for Dynamic Groups.

    Add support for NSS trustee rights assignment for members of dynamic groups.

  • Votes


    Use letsencrypt for all OES certs

    Certificates management is tiresome and lack of proper use encourages insecure systems. There is a new, open, and free system that can securely automate SSL/TLS ...

  • Planned


    NCS. Bytes Counter for cluster resources scripts in iManager.

    By years the limit length of the scripts of the cluster resources has been an important factor when designing the cluster services. In the NetWare environment the limit ...

  • Votes


    NCS. Avoid deleting a resource or pool when is Online.

    It is possible remove a cluster resource when the reource is online. If you attempt to delete a cluster resource or clustered pool without first offlining the cluster ...

  • Votes


    NCS. GroupWise Agents Templates.

    NCS has some templates that helps to setting up services such as DNS, DHCP, iFolder, MySQL, iPrint, etc, in cluster resources. Perhaps a template or several templates to ...

  • Votes


    NCS. Flag to clusters resources scripts status

    The ability of the scripts to be applied on fail-over or migration to a different node depends on the synchronization of the updated scripts from the master node to ...

  • Votes


    NCS. Quick selection of nodes.

    When you administering a cluster with iManager and occurs a communication problem with the IP Master address of the cluster the following message is displayed: "Failed ...

  • Votes


    NCS. More details in the messages of Comatose state.

    In extensive systems of clusters with several clusters and resources, the administration can be a little tricky, even more using iManager. At the time to work with the ...

  • Votes


    Make DFS client timeouts (cache TTL) configurable

    Currently, there's no way to configure the timeouts for a DFS (distributed file services) client's caches. Windows servers have this configurable (see ...

  • Votes


    Make ownership of OES simple.

    Today’s Large, Small business and home office NAS boxes are similar to Netware, simple we based management. NAS is hot because of the simplicity. OES is big and complex ...

  • Votes


    Support thin provisioning for NSS Volumes

    Customers want to save space on their SAN by thin provisioning volumes but if something like Salvage is enabled, the free space on the volume, and therefore all the space ...

  • Votes


    Add support to NSS so that 3nd parties can restore to the file level ...

    Novell needs to update SMS on NSS so that 3nd parties like Veeam can restore to the file level with 'rights' and directories for that matter with 'rights'. I know that ...

  • Votes


    standardize the OES logs to be in a standard format that any ...

    Today you have to jump thru hoops to use OES logs like any other log from ay other system/ Logs should be standardized to match typical syslog standard allowing all ...

  • Votes


    Put iFolder features into Filr

    We have used iFolder to backup local desktop/ laptop's My Document folder to protect against data loss. It has worked perfectly for years helping us recover a users local ...