When you administering a cluster with iManager and occurs a communication problem with the IP Master address of the cluster the following message is displayed:

"Failed to retrieve status information about cluster Cluster-Name track Master IP address 10.x.x.x. Do you want to select a cluster node (preferably the master node) to manage the cluster? Please note that the selection will be temporary. You need to select again whenever My Clusters page loads. Please use this opportunity to fix the master IP address. [Yes] [No]"

The Clusters plug-in allows you to use the server IP address of a node or browse through the eDirectory and select a node in the cluster.
It can be very useful that in the the same window where the message is presented, a list of nodes of the cluster (by name and IP address) they are displayed at the same time, in this way to select a node and continue with the activity you want to perform.
This would obviate the need to browse the eDirectory to select a node, and would be especially useful when you have a very extensive and eDirectory will need to do quick actions.
