• Votes


    Can't see the File Upload Limit on Web Access

    Filr should have a indicator on Web Access that shows to the end user the Upload Limit Size, just like the Storage Quota.

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    Disable Permalinks

    For high security environments it will be nice find a way to disable permalinks for all users.

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    Can only share with one person at a time

    Filr does not allow me to name multiple people at one time. If I want/need to share something with 50 people, I have to enter all 50 one at a time. I can't seem to ...

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    Promote any folder for Filr sync using right-click

    Requested by many customers, a feature that promote any folder in desktop as "Filr folder" using the context menu on right-click.

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    Output users' activity to Syslog for better integration with Log ...

    During a recent PoC the customer asked whether Filr can generate Users' Activity Reports (add, delete, view, share) as Syslog, for a better integration with the Log ...

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    Better Management of Trash

    Would be nice, or excellent if the user see the size of the files on trash, since that this files consumes quota. Today, I don't know how many files I need to delete, to ...

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    Render of LibreOffice fails on ever first attempt of render with ...

    Using the iOS app, try to open a LibreOffice file like .odp or .ods (using the rendering). There will be a message "Unable to view file", but if you hit the Generate ...

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    Preconfigured Filters in "My Files" root

    If you want to create a preconfigured filter in the My Files is not possible, like is missing, but if you create a folder and enter in, you have the option for it. I ...

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    Filr Desktop should know how to work over slow or metered links

    In order to access any of my Offline files I need to have the Filr Desktop running. If I have no Internet connection, not a problem. The Desktop starts up but can't ...

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    Enhanced Outlook Attachment Policy

    How about go beyond simply the attachment size and be able to select the number of people that the message is being sent to. IE if there is a 5 meg attachment and it is ...

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    WEB Client "Properties" or "Info" function

    It would be useful to have a Properties (Windows) and Info (Mac) option on a folder/directory to be able to tell how much data and how many files/folders are ares ...

  • Votes


    Desktop Client "Properties" or "Info" function

    It would be useful if the Desktop client had a Properties (Windows) and Info (Mac) option on a folder/directory to be able to tell how much data and how many ...

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    Should be able to multi-edit Net Folder Servers

    After doing a new setup/ldap sync you could have half a dozen or more Net Folder Servers created for you automatically. One should be able to edit multiples at the same ...

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    Should there be some consolidation of File Links and Permalinks?

    File Links are used for sharing files to which users do not have access to whereas Permalinks are used for sharing files to which users do already have access to. Both ...

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    Be able to run multiple instances of the Filr Desktop app

    It would be useful to run multiple instances of the Filr Desktop app to support multiple different back-end Filr servers. There could be a dev/test and production, ...

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    List Quotas for Home Directories - not or in addition to Personal ...

    From Tech Preview: Quotas can be set within Filr but these appear to relate only to personal storage? and not to home folders if they are located on an external NCP ...

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    The time-zone set during install should carry through as the default ...

    When setting up the LDAP import it is easy to forget setting the default time-zone before doing a sync. Since I already set the time-zone for Filr during the appliance ...

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    Be able to limit the number of file downloads

    A customer has asked that they be able to limit the number of times that a shared file can be downloaded IE once. Once the limit is reached, the share should go away.

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    OCR scanned documents and index them

    A customer has requested that we be able to OCR scanned in documents and then index them.

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    Pause or Schedule Desktop Synchronization

    Desktop syncrhonization can create tremendous amounts of traffic. This can con flight with things like VOIP, WEBEXs, etc. It would be useful if synchronization could be ...