It would be useful to run multiple instances of the Filr Desktop app to support multiple different back-end Filr servers. There could be a dev/test and production, location A vs location B, internal vs external, etc.

To support this, Filr should:

1. support a command-line option to specify a different working directory/configuration directory.

2. Be able to run multiple instances in memory at the same time.


  • I have multiple clients with FILR, where I work on projects with each, I have my own filr client, but have to use the web interface for my clients. It would be nice to be able to use one client for multiple server connections with multiple configurations

  • It would be better if a single client could support multiple Filr servers.

  • Should support multiple logins from 1 client

  • I need that feature to replace iFolder with Filr! Shared projects with different partners / customers require Filr client to connect and sync to multiple Filr instances.

  • I don't think multiple instances would be necessary if a single instance could point to more than one Filr server.

  • Interesting idea - Noted!

  • You can actually run multiple instances of the client by using the switch -i
    usage: filr [-h] [-i INSTANCE] [-c] [COMMAND] [DATA [DATA ...]]

    I've not seen it documented anywhere and found this by accident. However, it's been available for several years.

  • That's interesting. Could you elaborate, perhaps with an example, of these parameters?
