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    FILR Integration Store Option

    With FILR Integration active for Groupwise, it creates a Directory in the Homedirectory of the User. The User does have therefor full access to it. Beside that, it is out ...

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    FILR Integration, but let the user choose the type of attachment

    With GW2014 R2 Sp2 it is possible to activate the Integration for a User/Postoffice/Domain. But the only option within is the size of the Attachment. It would make more ...

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    open msoffice documents in Protected mode

    Hi all. We are running gw14.2.1 clients and MSOffice2010. MSOffice is configred to start in protected view when a document is opend in the temp Directory. This works ...

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    Enhance "find contacts" in Address Book to search/find in all ...

    Enhance "find contacts" in Address Book to search/find in all fields, right now it's only possible to search in the Address Book via Find button for the name and email ...

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    More intuitive GUI for desktop and webaccess clients based on UX ...

    We all know that groupwise in the backend is a technically very good system. However, users have a total different idea about groupwise that is for a very big part based ...

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    Be able to trigger POP3/IMAP send/receive over proxy access

    At this time there is no way to send/receive a POP3/IMAP account via proxy access. You can access the mailbox but the menu items are greyed out. Would be a helpful ...

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    Support MS950

    Groupwise do not support that the mail header contains encoding type MS950(MS for Chinese traditional language). Please let the client could read the mail header ...

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    Address book sort by stoke count in Double-bytes Language GroupWise

    The GroupWise Address book sort by alphabet but it's the wrong sort in double-byes language(Chinese-Traditional ,Simplified .Japan.Korea) Why is that? In common the ...

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    Field "BC" as criteria for rules

    By creating a rule you ca choose the criteria "To:", "From:" or "CC" but not "BC". Newsletter or ohter mails often are send in "BC" and we can not automatically move them ...

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    reminders from inside an E-mail

    When I write an e-mail I want to have the possibility to generate reminders automatically or manually from inside this e-mail.

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    For resource with type place add description to the place field in ...

    When defining a resource type as a place, I can add a description. The description should automatically been added to the Place field in the appointment. A good ...

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    Updated attachments from WebDAV drive should attach current version

    Scenario: 1. Setup - Create a test file - payload.txt - in any storage accessible via WebDAV - Map a drive on Machine A via WebDAV 2. Machine A - Start clock - ...

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    A Quick Response should be an actual Response

    A response implies an Email is sent and the Sent Items is updated. Right now Quick Responses just update the properties of an email - which are rarely reviewed once an ...

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    There should be a way to unselect a Quick Response

    Right now you can pick a Quick Response, and you can change a Quick Response, but there is no way to unselect a Quick response once you've activated it.

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    Sent tasks in separated location

    If you send a task to other users, it is seems to be in Sent Items folder with other items, not in a separated location. So the sender of tasks could not manage them very ...

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    Ability to use Find to search the BC field of messages sent

    Sending a message with BC recipients, we have a user who would like the ability to use Find/Advanced Find and add the Filter Field of BC to filter on/search for that ...

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    Add warning for routed items in GW client

    Create a routed mail and send it. Then open the mail in the Sent Items folder. There is only a small greyed out "Completed" checkbox which is hard to see. This is the ...

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    Inline Reply Font Settings

    We often receive emails that include a list of questions. For clarity sake, it is better to answer each question inline rather than answering them all above or below the ...

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    move folder per drag and drop

    Foldermovement to a new position in the folder list should work with drag and drop, not only over Edit>Folders. Andreas

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    Out of office Rule with Pictures

    We have a new CI with pictures in the middle of our mail signature. Because of the circumstance that global signatures will not work with variables up to now, we need ...