• Votes


    Intelligent long form e-mail names

    If a user is created with more than one first or last name, then the default scheme of generating long form email addresses fails to generate valid emails. Also, if a ...

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    Report individual Mailbox Statistics against entire PO

    When running the Mailbox Statistics option against an entire PO, the user stats for Read/Unread items, etc is summarized at the bottom of the log file. If you run ...

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    Automatic archive users mailbox by mailbox size

    For now you can do Auto-Archive after certain days. For example: user mail that is older then 1 year will be automatic archived. There is threshold for warning users ...

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    Ability to Copy users in GroupWise Administration

    When creating new users it would be great to have the ability to copy from an existing user. Possibly the same way you do this in eDirectory/iManager where you could use ...

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    Forbid internal sending of e-mails

    We like to create Ressource-Mailboxes which only can receive E-Mails but can not send normal E-Mails. Sending is only allowed from personal Mailboxes not from a anonymous ...

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    Delete Groupwise user when Active Directory Account is deleted

    With the Active Directory MMC plugin that offers you the ability to create a groupwise user and select which post office to assign it to, it would be nice to be offered ...

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    iManager GroupWise Plugin - On Directory User Move - Have Plugin issue ...

    When a user is moved in the directory and is associated to a GroupWise 2014 account, the GroupWise user can no longer login since the POA fails with "LDAP Error: 49, ...

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    Note for admin

    Groupwise 2018 console administrator, I would like to have a field to put a note that only the administrator can see. I have some users that I want to insert an ...

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    Client Auto-Update on a per user basis

    It would be hugely beneficial if we could trigger GroupWise Client auto-updates on a per user and per group basis. In large deployments it's not feasible to trigger the ...

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    POA log file text dump

    I would like to see a dump from the programmers to the documentation team of every log entry that the POA can write, and then answer the question: what does that mean? ...

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    Set global signature on internet adressing, not on use

    We've got a lot of users working for different companies. If they send E-Mails from different internet domains, they always have the same global signature, because you ...

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    Users can modify the FROM address - security issue

    Hello team!, we detected that the user can modify the FROM address adding confusing text. So the recipient can read this added text + the original address. Please see ...

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    Add ability to send email of admin notification to administrators

    As of now, seeing Notifications are dependent on logging into the admin console. Many smaller GW admins may not log into admin for days at a time. Add the ability to ...

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    Cancelled appointments displayed with strikethrough text

    When cancelling appointments, internal attendee notifications should be displayed with strikethrough text to make it more apparent that the meeting has been canceled.

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    Client settings: locking at domain or postoffice level should not ...

    When I lock client settings at domain or post office level then I can't change the setting for a single user. Preventing a user from changing a setting should not ...

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    When/Number of times a distribution is used

    The ability to see when and how many times a distribution list was used in the GW system. We are trying to slim down the number of groups we maintain and we'd like to ...

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    Name Display in client above the mailbox

    In the GroupWise client where the name is displayed above the mailbox we would like the option to display the Last Name First Name with no comma. This is common in ...

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    Customizable WebAccess logging of Client IP, UserID and browser ...

    Security in an organization might require the GroupWise admin to gather information on a specific user's activity, including IP address. Currently, you must use both the ...

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    MMC Plugin without domain administrator rights

    The MMC Plugin should work with an user who has only local Administrator rights to his Workstation and not Domain Administrator rights. The settings are stored in the ...

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    Sync eDirectory BOTH ways

    Changes made in the GroupWise Administration that impact fields in the Directory (such as email address) need to sync back to the Directory. Numerous customers are ...