Security in an organization might require the GroupWise admin to gather information on a specific user's activity, including IP address. Currently, you must use both the webaccess.log and the apache access.log. There is not a direct correlation between the information in these logs and so finding the information is tedious and time consuming. It would be very useful to my customer to be able to customize the information in the columns and configure it to be saved some where.
In GroupWise 8, the webaccess.log contained the client's IP address and browser information. This was removed in GW 2012 and is still gone in GW 2014. Since the Webaccess Admin Console shows the client IP address, there should be a way to capture what is on the screen to a log file.
Also in the older version of the webaccess admin console, the browser version was a part of the data listed. This was also useful information that could be used during such security discoveries.
by: Alisia P. | over a year ago | Administration
I too, need to be able to tell where someone is logging in to WebAccess from. One of my users may have had his password compromised a few days ago, but how can I tell?