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    Share Category definitions and Colors between user

    As a shared calendar user I would like to be able to share my category definitions and colors with other users, so that when using a shared calendar/folder if I assign a ...

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    Copy Fields from User Specific Page in Web Admin

    As a Mobility Administrator I want to be able to click on a users from the users page in web admin and highlight a field and copy that field so that I can paste it into a ...

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    Update Personal Groups membership when personal groups contain a SAB ...

    As I user I create several personal groups where I have dragged a SAB group into my personal group. If the SAB group gets updated I want my PAB group to get updated as ...

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    POA - Add a new column that logs IOPS stat

    POA > Performance Logging - Add a new column that logs IOPS stat

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    Create an admin notification when lockout settings are triggered

    As the GroupWise administrator I want the have the admin service create a notification if a user is locked out due to too man login attempts

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    GroupWise Monitor and GWHA Enhancements

    (1) ability to enabled gwha and set the three parameters of HAUser, HAPassword and HAPoll within the webconsole of GroupWise Monitor. (this gets us away from editing the ...

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    Webaccess - Digitally Signed emails

    Customers would like WebAccess to be able to send digitally signed or encrypted email messages as the windows client can

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    Proxy Access - Mark Folder Private

    As a GroupWise user that grants Proxy access to their account I want to be able to mark an entire folder as private so that proxy users will not have access to any item ...

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    Webaccess - Hide the CC and BC in compose

    As a Webaccess user I want the CC and BC lines hidden when composing an email much like the windows client so that the UI is simpler and less busy.

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    Ability to lock security service provider from client options

    As the GroupWise administrator I want to select the security service provider and then lock it as a client option Currently this is available through the client, but ...

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    Webaccess Status Icons

    Webaccess needs to display all the same message status icons that the windows client does. An example of one missing is the Flagged icon when a message is pending.

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    Restore item from trash with Ctrl-z

    Add support to the GroupWise client so that when CTRL-Z is pressed the last deleted item is restored from the trash. Repeated CTRL-Z should restore each successive ...

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    Support for additional databases in Mobility

    Have a option for oracle or MSSQL as a database option for Mobility

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    Default options when deleting appointments

    As a GroupWise user I want to be able to set the default action when deleting appointments to delete the appointments from other recipients mailboxes

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    Backup and Restore Personal Address Books

    As a GroupWise user I want my personal address books backed up to the restore area along with with email so that I can restore personal address books. As the GroupWise ...

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    Proxy - Auditing

    As a Proxy User I want a notification when a proxy user enters mailbox and makes changes so that I can audit what information was changed and by what proxy.

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    Sync Category Colors to Mobile Device

    As a mobile user I want colors assigned to categories to sync to my mobile device so that I can see the categories visually represented on the device

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    Multi-User Calendar - Allow Personal Appointments to appear on Main ...

    Description: As a GroupWise user I want to have my appointments from a multi user calendar appear on my main calendar so that I can track appointments that I need to ...

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    One-click Unread mail filter

    When viewing my mailbox in the GroupWise client I want an Unread option that I can click and it will filter the mailbox and show me only the unread items. Should be ...

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    Personal Address Book - Social Connections

    Description: As a user I want be able to connect my contacts to social networks and pull in their contact information and view their latest activitiy so that I have ...