The Novell GroupWise Address Book always used to be part of the Address book search order, but now it is always searched last.
Please give us back the ability to change the order of searching the Address Books.
While searching the Novell GroupWise Address Book first is cumbersome for larger organisations smaller ones would benefit having the Novell GroupWise Address Book searched first especially if they use internal email more often than external.
Internal addresses often shows up with external private Contactdata because of having it in private adressbooks, this is a pain.
by: Ramon B. | over a year ago | Windows Client
Taking this feature away was quite possibly the worst idea ever for GroupWise.
The current 'relevancy' method clearly has a set of assumptions that just don't match my usage. letting those of us with usage patterns outside of the narrow assumptions choose the order is much better than forcing one way of working (to rule them all).
I get more complaints about how this feature was removed than any other single feature that was changed/removed from 2012.
why makes life uneasy , this is a very usefull feature that was dropped