• Planned


    Determine RADIUS event by client IP address

    In a situation where an environment has multiple RADIUS events, the RADIUS event that is intended to be used by the connecting RADIUS client is determined by the ...

  • Votes


    Ability to link AAF v6.x Configuration portal and Desktop OTP app to ...

    In multiple conversations with clients there is often the question around how does the NetIQ Smartphone App compares with Google authenticator and often enough the ...

  • Votes


    Windows Client set default Domain in config.properties

    Add an option to the Windows Client to set a default Domain in config.properties. Example: defaultDomain: DOMAINNAME Expected behaviour: The user types USERNAME (without ...

  • Votes


    implement repository search order

    In an environment with multiple repositories, it should be possible to define a search order for the repository. The first match wins should be used for authentication. ...

  • Votes


    Add a "password never expires" option for the local user repository

    We need this option for the local Admin Account. The local Admin Account's password expires as any other user account. Please add a "password never expires" option to the ...

  • Planned


    Allow Windows Client (and Linux/Mac) to set locale in ...

    We have the need for certain Windows clients to have a specific locale set in the config.properties file. This should override the OS locale.

  • Votes


    Use STARTTLS for LDAP-based repositories

    LDAP supports STARTTLS to encrypt communications using TLS. STARTTLS begins as a plaintext connection over the standard LDAP port (389), and that connection is then ...

  • Votes


    Ability for caching shared (linked) authenticators

    In reference to SR#101184179111 Today, AAF is not able to cache credentials on windows,linux, macos for users they are using shared (linked) authenticators. Please ...

  • Votes


    Using the Smartphone app push notification to Accept/Decline ...

    During enrollment, we don't have a notification of the enrollment process that is acknowledged by the user being enrolled. So far the methods we have assume that the ...

  • Votes


    Provide option to disable the ability for the Enroll admin (Helpdesk) ...

    Currently a helpdesk admin can enroll/remove enrollments for his/her own user and some clients do see this as a potential risk. Could we perhaps have a policy, similar to ...

  • Votes


    Allow Events to be configured to use a default repo (if desired) that ...

    For our linux clients we need the option to either have an event ignore the login options list of repositories and use a default repo set at the event level or we need ...

  • Votes


    Add NAS-IP-Address to Radius event

    Please add NAS-IP-Address (Attribut-Type 4) to Radius event. Because some Appliances (as example Cisco ASA) do not support NAS-Identifier.

  • Planned


    Increase max email OTP TTL

    Current situation: The max email OTP TTL is set at 360 seconds. Desired situation: We have the need for the email OTP TTL to be set at a higher value. Please allow the ...

  • Votes


    Smooth transition of authenticators: no need to re-enrolment when ...

    This is future request . Migrate the authenticators for already enrolled users who are migrated from existing MS AD domain to the new MS AD domain without all those ...

  • Votes


    Disallow user to scan QR code if user has enrolled already

    By disable the re-enrollment function, user not able to rescan (by click the Save button) and delete the enrolled authenticator (By click the delete button) Can the ...

  • Votes


    CEF Log Forward Policy Increase the Number of Servers

    Today we have the Option to set only one Server. But if we can increase the number of servers, we have the option to spread the logfiles. This would a better solution ...

  • Votes


    Ability that an enroll admin can only manage users from specific ...

    Today every enroll admin can set or change methods for every user. This can be a security risk. We would like to have the ability that an enroll admin can only manage ...

  • Votes


    Rolling over RADIUS authentication

    getting a possibility to check PIN + OTP on AA and once this is not accepting / valid fowarding the PIN and OTP to a 3rd party AAA server -> using then the Radius Client ...

  • Votes


    Combine some AAF client login screens the login process is to heavy

    AAF login screen 1 username input AAF login screen 2 chain selection input AAF login screen 3 password input AAF login screen 4 other method input For example ...

  • Votes


    Netiq Mobile Application for Smartphones

    Can we have an Option for, after a rollout the Application via AirWatch have a way for Auto Accept the EULA.