AAF login screen 1 username input

AAF login screen 2 chain selection input

AAF login screen 3 password input

AAF login screen 4 other method input

For example can this be collapsed into 3 login screens. Where screens 2, and 3 are changed to a dynamic page that has a chain dropdown selection window, and allows user typed input for other information that is required based on the chain selected. With the default selected chain being the one that was used for the last login for the selected user for this event type with the option to change it. Then subsequent login screens will be for device input such as card reader or YubiKey.

Or better yet it could be collapsed into 2 login screens. Where login screens 1, 2, and 3 are changed to a dynamic page that allows typed input of the username, chain dropdown selection window, and allows user typed input for other information that is required based on the chain selected. With the default selected chain being the one that was used for the last login for the selected user for this event type with the option to change it. Then subsequent login screens will be for device input such as card reader or YubiKey.


  • This is being investigated