• Votes


    Dynamic SMS gateway

    If there are more than one SMS gateways being used by an organization, there needs to be a dynamic configuration available for the same. The current example can if the ...

  • Votes


    OTP Message should include a variable with the timestamp of the OTP

    On version 5.6U1 the SMS OTP method allows for specific variables to be added as part of the message to be sent to the user. At the moment, only 4 variables are available ...

  • Votes


    Redesign the TOTP flow for an enduser

    We are working with version 6.1.x The NAAF screens are very technical for an end user. Make security easy for those who are non technical please. Ask a UX-er to help ...

  • Votes


    Allow AAF to import branding from Access Manager automatically

    Hi guys, Can we please update the https://aafapp.demo.live/admin#/policies/WebAuthOptions page so that it can automatically download the standard branding from Access ...

  • Votes


    Integrate SSPR into AAF Appliance

    It would be great to have the option to install SSPR on the same appliance.

  • Votes


    Allow for customization of labels when using TOTP

    Typically, when you enroll a device using a TOTP authenticator app like Google's or Microsoft's, after you enroll, the account shows up with the name of the application ...

  • Votes


    Don't include Smartphone enrollments as part of backed up app data for ...

    This behavior was observed when a user migrated from an older iPhone to a new iPhone but may also apply to Android devices. Current situation: The Smartphone enrollments ...

  • Planned


    Configurable RADIUS auto-enrollment behavior

    Current status: When the RADIUS method is configured with a Radius client, a user is auto-enrolled in the RADIUS method no matter if they have an account in the ...

  • Votes


    Specify chain through RADIUS attribute

    For RADIUS Server event, you can specify multiple chains. As part of the RADIUS challenge-response authentication, it is possible to explictly define a chain to ...

  • Planned


    Alert on Security Patch

    Requested by: NXP Description: Ability to define email address(es) for alert of critical patches availability

  • Planned


    Logon Filter for "other" directories

    A potential customer is looking for the logon filter feature but for non-AD directories, in their case an Apple OpenDirectory (a fork of openLDAP). This could as well be ...

  • Votes


    Allow Events to be configured to use a default repo (if desired) that ...

    For our linux clients we need the option to either have an event ignore the login options list of repositories and use a default repo set at the event level or we need ...

  • Votes


    Allow the servers used by a repository to be configured on one site ...

    Current situation: The configuration for a repository is replicated to each site except for the servers. It requires the administrator set the servers on each site and ...

  • Votes


    Multi-language support for Twilio

    Twilio supports many different languages for their text-to-speech converter. This is a simple extension to the current Twilio configuration in AAF. At ...

  • Votes


    Automatic linking of authenticators to like users

    This can be done in the Helpdesk portal but it would be nice to have the automatic linking of authenticators to like users. The criteria by which to define 'like users' ...

  • Votes


    Configurable clean up limit to prevent the mass deletion of users as a ...

    Repositories will do a periodic sync. A user is deleted from an AA repository if they are not returned in the result set of a repository sync. Deleting a user from AA is ...

  • Votes


    Configure appliance proxy settings through Configuration portal

    It would be convenient to be able to set the proxy settings in the Configuration portal of the appliance versus having to do it through yast.

  • Votes


    Ability to select a 'local' export when importing a database

    Current situation: When importing a database, you must define a http or ftp location of the backup. Desirable situation: When importing a database, I should be able to ...

  • Planned


    Increase max email OTP TTL

    Current situation: The max email OTP TTL is set at 360 seconds. Desired situation: We have the need for the email OTP TTL to be set at a higher value. Please allow the ...

  • Votes


    view only admin category

    In the Admin UI there's currently no way to configure a "view only" account. Therefore a new role should be introduced so that a user can login on the Admin UI to reflect ...