• Votes


    Specify chain through RADIUS attribute

    For RADIUS Server event, you can specify multiple chains. As part of the RADIUS challenge-response authentication, it is possible to explictly define a chain to ...

  • Votes


    Regenerate endpoint id and secret without having to delete and ...

    It would be convinenet to be able to regenerate an Endpoint's id and secret instead of the current process of having to delete the endpoint and re-creating it. When ...

  • Votes


    Validate correct password when saving repository settings

    Every time you adjust the settings of a repository, you are required to provide a password for the user you are connecting as however there is no check to see if the ...

  • Planned


    Allow enroll admins the ability to unlock user accounts

    When a user is locked out according to the Lockout policy, it would be desirable for someone with enroll admin role to be able to unlock a user. Typically unlocking users ...

  • Votes


    Customize RADIUS Reply-Messages per method in a chain

    Applications that correctly implement RADIUS will show the Reply-Message value sent from the AAF server when authenticating with a chain. Right now, the Reply-Message ...

  • Votes


    Display serial number of enrolled HOTP authenticator

    It would be beneficial for a user to see the serial number of their currently enrolled HOTP authenticator in the authenticators management portal. A user may have one or ...

  • Planned


    Periodically export database backup to network location

    Right now you can manually export the database backup and then download it to your local machine. In the future, it is desirable that the database would automatically ...

  • Planned


    Configurable RADIUS auto-enrollment behavior

    Current status: When the RADIUS method is configured with a Radius client, a user is auto-enrolled in the RADIUS method no matter if they have an account in the ...

  • Votes


    Allow IP address in multiple RADIUS events

    We are leveraging the NAS Identifier in that each of our RADIUS configurations have an Event for each chain. This enables us to provide our users a clever way to select ...

  • Votes


    Use SSL for AD repository DNS discovery

    When using DNS discovery for AD repositories, there should be an option to add them as SSL-enabled on port 636. Today when using DNS discovery for AD repositories, they ...

  • Votes


    Configure appliance proxy settings through Configuration portal

    It would be convenient to be able to set the proxy settings in the Configuration portal of the appliance versus having to do it through yast.

  • Votes


    Search for tokens

    In an environment where there are a bunch of tokens, the pagination makes it tough to find a specific token. You need to search each page and you can easily need to ...

  • Votes


    Ability to select a 'local' export when importing a database

    Current situation: When importing a database, you must define a http or ftp location of the backup. Desirable situation: When importing a database, I should be able to ...

  • Votes


    Multiple NAS Identifiers in a single RADIUS event

    Request: We would like to assign multiple NAS Identifiers to a single RADIUS event. Use case: We have F5 BIG IP load balancer to balance RADIUS traffic to our web ...

  • Votes


    Set CEF log forward policy per site

    We want to forward the CEF logs to our enterprise logging solution that has data collectors all over the globe. It would be desirable to set the Syslog destination on a ...

  • Planned


    Increase max email OTP TTL

    Current situation: The max email OTP TTL is set at 360 seconds. Desired situation: We have the need for the email OTP TTL to be set at a higher value. Please allow the ...

  • Votes


    Separate out application logs into it's own tab/file

    Current situation: Application logs (in CEF) are written to Syslog. Syslog also has OS-related information written to it. It is sometimes difficult to find certain ...

  • Votes


    Remember the last chain used to authenticate to the workstation

    Current situation: When a user attempts to authenticate to a Windows workstation, the chains are displayed in the order that they were added in to the event in. Desired ...

  • Votes


    Allow the servers used by a repository to be configured on one site ...

    Current situation: The configuration for a repository is replicated to each site except for the servers. It requires the administrator set the servers on each site and ...

  • Planned


    Hide offline OTP option if offline OTP is disabled in Smartphone ...

    Current situation: When offline OTP is disabled for the Smartphone method, the user is still presented the ability to authenticate with the offline OTP at the AAF web ...