• Votes


    Make OES core components open source and part of SUSE

    Make OES core services open source and part of SUSE I know: this is easier said then done. For that, I will not too much go into the patent/lagel/IP stuff that may be ...

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    iManager support double-byte characters.

    Now iManager not support double-byte characters. But on the console one was support, User form console one migrate to iManage, Have to edit the text have become"?"

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    Generate some sort of notification when default server certificates ...

    I have had repeated experience of server default certificates expiring and the server continuing to appear to work until suddenly something stops working. This can be ...

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    All CIFS Settings in iManager/Remote Manager

    Would it be possible to add the settings available with the novcifs command directly into iManager/Remote Manager. This would make it easier to manage CIFS from a ...

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    Clustering makes things fault tolerant. Load Balancing makes things ...

    Some things cannot be Load Balanced and should be clustered, for example File Systems. Some things can be Load Balanced, for example iPrint. Right now, you can cluster ...

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    Add full CIFS remote server support to FTP Services in OES

    The standard and the future of the access protocols used also in an OES environment is CIFS/SMB. Today the FTP gateway functionality in OES supports to have one central ...

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    NSS For AD provide UI supports multiple languages

    The current NSS for AD UI management interface on CIFS does not support Traditional Chinese, please help to increase the support of the Chinese interface.

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    Add Receive Object Option in iMonitor

    Detailed Description: When troubleshooting a particular error code like -618, it is sometimes the case that a single object on a single replica is having trouble, but ...

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    Make a CIFS Share or Server Read Only at server level immediately

    It would be handy to be able to immediately prevent all writes to a CIFS share or server like what we can do with NCP using the command: ncpcon disable write ...

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    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Integration

    With the increasing popularity of cloud services, many medium and large organizations are moving to cloud. Hence, integrating Azure AD with the Open Enterprise Server ...

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    Report more fully on compression statistics

    Create a report in Remote Manager showing compression stats, and allow report of compressed files including dates of compression\ decompression if possible including what ...

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    Make Client Contextless Login part of Login Profile

    The Novell/OES Clients contextless login capability needs to be part of a login profile rather than the client itself. For instance, I work with many clients and also run ...

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    Delegate Control functionality should work

    Per TID 7003443 (https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7003443) when using MMC: Active Directory Users and Computers -> Select Domain -> Right Click -> Delegate ...

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    Respect station restrictions also with CIFS

    On an OES server with CIFS enabled in local or not-AD-domain mode authentication is done basically via ldap against the local eDirectory. A user with station restrictions ...

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    Simple mobile device access to OES files without acesssing FILR

    Our company would like to have simple mobile access to files that are stored on the OES file system. We have evaluated the Filr solution and found it to be very heavy ...

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    metamig to save trustees selecting NDS only / AD only / all users.

    The goal would be to save / restore the trustees only for users in a specific Directory (NDS or AD) or for all users. Would it be possible to add a way with metamig to ...

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    support uamPosixPAMServiceExcludeList with dynamic groups

    When "LUM-enable" services like ssh on OES servers, all LUM-enabled users can ssh into these servers by default. The eDir object attribute uamPosixPAMServiceExcludeList ...

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    Make DFS client timeouts (cache TTL) configurable

    Currently, there's no way to configure the timeouts for a DFS (distributed file services) client's caches. Windows servers have this configurable (see ...

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    NCS. Quick selection of nodes.

    When you administering a cluster with iManager and occurs a communication problem with the IP Master address of the cluster the following message is displayed: "Failed ...

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    Kanaka Group Information

    Description: There is no way to leverage eDirectory group information through Kanaka except for primary GID, which is a very limited attribute. Without this information, ...