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    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Integration

    With the increasing popularity of cloud services, many medium and large organizations are moving to cloud. Hence, integrating Azure AD with the Open Enterprise Server ...

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    Report more fully on compression statistics

    Create a report in Remote Manager showing compression stats, and allow report of compressed files including dates of compression\ decompression if possible including what ...

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    Make Client Contextless Login part of Login Profile

    The Novell/OES Clients contextless login capability needs to be part of a login profile rather than the client itself. For instance, I work with many clients and also run ...

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    Delegate Control functionality should work

    Per TID 7003443 (https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7003443) when using MMC: Active Directory Users and Computers -> Select Domain -> Right Click -> Delegate ...

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    Respect station restrictions also with CIFS

    On an OES server with CIFS enabled in local or not-AD-domain mode authentication is done basically via ldap against the local eDirectory. A user with station restrictions ...

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    Simple mobile device access to OES files without acesssing FILR

    Our company would like to have simple mobile access to files that are stored on the OES file system. We have evaluated the Filr solution and found it to be very heavy ...

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    metamig to save trustees selecting NDS only / AD only / all users.

    The goal would be to save / restore the trustees only for users in a specific Directory (NDS or AD) or for all users. Would it be possible to add a way with metamig to ...

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    support uamPosixPAMServiceExcludeList with dynamic groups

    When "LUM-enable" services like ssh on OES servers, all LUM-enabled users can ssh into these servers by default. The eDir object attribute uamPosixPAMServiceExcludeList ...

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    Make DFS client timeouts (cache TTL) configurable

    Currently, there's no way to configure the timeouts for a DFS (distributed file services) client's caches. Windows servers have this configurable (see ...

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    NCS. Quick selection of nodes.

    When you administering a cluster with iManager and occurs a communication problem with the IP Master address of the cluster the following message is displayed: "Failed ...

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    Kanaka Group Information

    Description: There is no way to leverage eDirectory group information through Kanaka except for primary GID, which is a very limited attribute. Without this information, ...

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    it would be great, if oes2018.1 would support virtualbox, because qemu ...

    We often use virtualbox to create a small windows system (often we need some windows services or programs) on a oes host. Till oes2015.1 virtualbox works, but with oes ...

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    CIS Inventory custom list of file types

    Currently CIS has a handful of general groups Photos, Videos, Documents and other. Requesting option to add other file times with their own categories such as ...

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    Searchability and indexing of NSS located files from Client for OES

    is it possible to activate a index for the nss volume that is mounted to the windows client for faster search the files and folders with the search function from Windows?

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    Check for password expiration on unlock

    We have users who do not reboot/log-off very often for various reasons. Since they do not reboot often but do lock their workstations, it would be helpful for the client ...

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    NSS Metadata and Data Checksum/ECC

    Many competing filesystems have added checksum support to either metadata or data itself over the past few years. This is something that is worth adding especially with ...

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    Auto refresh User Maps (NURM)

    While creating a User Map, there can be an option to automatically refresh that particular Map once in every week or so. Or may be create a common Map for a particular ...

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    Disable Logout Question on iManager 3.X

    Hi, we upgraded from iManager 2.7.7 to When i log out from imanager, i get the following question: This option will log you out of all the trees that are you ...

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    Files Screening support for the OES Server

    Like Microsoft Feature, FIles Screnning Management. It able to filter the file type that unable to save on the server. In additional, it can screen the content inside ...

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    NCS. Flag to clusters resources scripts status

    The ability of the scripts to be applied on fail-over or migration to a different node depends on the synchronization of the updated scripts from the master node to ...