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    GroupWise Teamworks for Citrix XenServer

    Again this appliance is created with SuseStudio and wil NOT work with Citrix Xen server!! Make the SuseStudio appliances work with Citrix Xen server.!!

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    Teamworks and Vibe integration

    The 'Rooms' in Teamworks work very well with project based work. It would be perfect if Teamworks rooms could be mapped to Vibe discussion folders. There can be project ...

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    Better Filr integration email HTML code

    The current 14.2.2 Windows client code generated when sending a Filr file reference is poor and on various systems shows up as a separate HTM attachment instead of simply ...

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    Reverse sort of message thread in GroupWise 18

    I have a user that would like to be able to toggle the sort order of message threads in the new GroupWise 18 client. Oldest to newest or newest to oldest.

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    Save Email from Webaccess

    As a Webaccess user I want to be able to save emails in the same manner that I do when using the windows client.

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    Add the ability for Webaccess to manage address book sharing

    Add address book sharing to Webaccess

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    Add Contacts folders/databases to proxy access

    New to groupwise so I don't have the historical context. I am not for sure I understand why Contacts are not accessible via proxy. Contacts should be part of the ACL ...

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    improve inheritance of client options (based on primary domain)

    At the moment client options can be set at domain-, postoffice- and userlevel. At each level options can be locked so that they where inherited to the lower levels (means ...

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    Unread mail count for parent folder if not expanded

    Currently if you have unread mail in a subfolder, the parent folder only shows the unread mail icon but no message count if it's not expanded. If you expand the parent ...

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    Ability to add more than one Vibe server to GroupWise

    Just now you can add only one Vibe server to your GroupWise environment. In my case I want to access to many Vibe servers or Vibe instances at the same time.

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    Rename vacation rule to out of office rule

    I like vacations and vacation rules. But many times I am "out of office". It's easier to explain to common users.

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    "Delete" proxy right in GroupWise client

    As a GroupWise user I would like to have a separate Read, Write, *Delete* right for the proxy feature of GroupWise. The Write right should make users able to ...

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    Better HTML capability when composing/viewing msgs

    Better/cooler HTML capability when composing msgs (including designing signatures) and viewing recieved msgs.

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    Giving group access to Rooms

    It would be a great benefit to TeamWorks users to be able to add groups to Rooms. Currently, if a person wants to create a Room for a department, for example, all ...

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    GMS Services Notification

    It's great that GMS sends a notification when e.g. connection to LDAP is down. Would be nice if it also sent a notification when the service recovered, since the ...

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    Reinitialize users without loosing configured devices & device configs ...

    We just need a possibility to "reinitialize users" without loosing the configured devices & device configs (calendar colors, active calendar, standard mail account & ...

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    Print Filtered Calendar

    Allow us to print a calendar that is filtered.

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    Show private state in webaccess

    the private state of appointments isn't displayed in webaccess. Also the function reminder is not included.

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    Rules: Ability to flat forward mail using rules

    To the best of my knowledge, when using rules to forward an e-mail, it only forwards with the original e-mail as an attachment. It would be nice to have the ability to ...

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    Ability to lock GroupWise mailbox email columns

    Our users frequently remove inbox email columns when they attempted to sort by a particular column by clicking on it. They end up clicking and dragging inadvertently ...