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    GroupWise server archieve format

    As we know, in GroupWise server u set Archieve path, where GroupWise creates message mailbox database and after set archieve date/time rule kicks in, it moves message ...

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    Use busy search rectangle to carry over to a second day

    When performing a busy search, the black rectangle for the duration time cannot be expanded into a second day without scheduling the entire day. We would like the ...

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    Address Book filter expression

    GW 2018 SP1 client, build 129782 Address Book with 50k entries If I type a full name (John Doe) in the top right corner of the Address Book, then the search expression ...

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    Option to not send attachments to users who are CC/BC'd on an email

    When a user creates a new email with attachments, they often CC/BC other users on the email. The CC/BC users need to see an email has been sent but not necessarily ...

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    free-/busy- search / Missing end-time

    In free-/busy-search only the start-time and duration is shown. It would be useful to specify the end time also. This would be a major relief for our secretariat, which ...

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    Add delegate and an option to appointments as well as delegate and ...

    Some of our users would like to keep the appointment in their calendar after delegation

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    Privacy Setting for Proxy Access: hide Cabinet Folder Names

    We use proxy access to GroupWise calendar for all users as initial standard setting. This enhances transparency when looking if someone is busy or not. Emails are not ...

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    seraching tags in vibe from groupwise

    Searching Vibe from Groupwise is a great feature - but searching for vibe tags is missing. It would be a great feature to search for tags.

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    Teal Colour scheme

    The additional GW18 blue is nice, how about a Teal based colour scheme. Something based around either #388E8E SGI Teal or#008080 Teal

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    sorting notes on category

    We would like the possibility that we can order all our notes, on category. Now we make notes, give this note a category, and so we have a lot off notes in line. but ...

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    Improve archiving experience if user closes the client

    If a user has auto-archiving turned on, and closes the client while email is being archived, archiving continues in the background. However, the user is now unable to ...

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    Modify subject line text on all incoming email, through the GWIA

    Edit the subject line, to add words to it. Please note, this should appear on email for mobile & desktop client users. For example, woud like to add "[E]" in front of ...

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    Conflicting recurring appointments for resource or place

    For meetingrooms we have auto-accept and auto-decline rules with reply action. It would be really nice and provide much more clarity to the sender if the reply (or maybe ...

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    Be able to trigger POP3/IMAP send/receive over proxy access

    At this time there is no way to send/receive a POP3/IMAP account via proxy access. You can access the mailbox but the menu items are greyed out. Would be a helpful ...

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    Ability to use Find to search the BC field of messages sent

    Sending a message with BC recipients, we have a user who would like the ability to use Find/Advanced Find and add the Filter Field of BC to filter on/search for that ...

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    Add warning for routed items in GW client

    Create a routed mail and send it. Then open the mail in the Sent Items folder. There is only a small greyed out "Completed" checkbox which is hard to see. This is the ...

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    Ability to view full properties of an sent appointment using a ...

    I have a user that sent an appointment to an entire post office for a building wide meeting. They used the wildcard format of *.PostOfficeName. Now they want to know how ...

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    Auto accept rule to follow set work hours

    As a GroupWise user I want to create a rule to auto-accept appointments that do not currently have a conflict in my calendar, currently this works except it does not ...

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    rules to apply to selected message(s)

    When having a message open or some selected, it would be great to be able to trigger a rule to apply to that/those message(s) - a simple example rule would be to just ...

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    caching/online password expired function

    Today if online ldap attached password integration is enable when password expired user is informed and have to do password renew. On caching I have to go on advanced ...