• Votes


    Allow Events to be configured to use a default repo (if desired) that ...

    For our linux clients we need the option to either have an event ignore the login options list of repositories and use a default repo set at the event level or we need ...

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    Allow the servers used by a repository to be configured on one site ...

    Current situation: The configuration for a repository is replicated to each site except for the servers. It requires the administrator set the servers on each site and ...

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    Automatic linking of authenticators to like users

    This can be done in the Helpdesk portal but it would be nice to have the automatic linking of authenticators to like users. The criteria by which to define 'like users' ...

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    Configurable clean up limit to prevent the mass deletion of users as a ...

    Repositories will do a periodic sync. A user is deleted from an AA repository if they are not returned in the result set of a repository sync. Deleting a user from AA is ...

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    Configure appliance proxy settings through Configuration portal

    It would be convenient to be able to set the proxy settings in the Configuration portal of the appliance versus having to do it through yast.

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    Ability to select a 'local' export when importing a database

    Current situation: When importing a database, you must define a http or ftp location of the backup. Desirable situation: When importing a database, I should be able to ...

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    Increase max email OTP TTL

    Current situation: The max email OTP TTL is set at 360 seconds. Desired situation: We have the need for the email OTP TTL to be set at a higher value. Please allow the ...

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    view only admin category

    In the Admin UI there's currently no way to configure a "view only" account. Therefore a new role should be introduced so that a user can login on the Admin UI to reflect ...

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    Search for tokens

    In an environment where there are a bunch of tokens, the pagination makes it tough to find a specific token. You need to search each page and you can easily need to ...

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    PIN complexity requirements policy

    There is a 'Rename to PIN' functionality in the 'Password' method. I observed that the complexity requirements policy - in this method - does not reflect this. For ...

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    AAF Desktop OTP tool improvements / new requirements

    I have a customer in South Africa that is very interested in the functionality provided by the Desktop OTP tool but, AS IS, the Desktop OTP tool poses critical challenges ...

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    implement repository search order

    In an environment with multiple repositories, it should be possible to define a search order for the repository. The first match wins should be used for authentication. ...

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    The AAF 6.2 product contains an SMS TOTP method preconfigured for MessageBird. Which is great. However, the method uses the "OLD HTTP-API_v1" as MessageBird refers to ...

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    NAAF Client 5.6 should get the language for a parameter that it can be ...

    NAAF Client 5.6 should get the language for a parameter that it can be changed by the end user. In our case the system locale can only be changed by the administrator and ...

  • Votes


    REST-API Allow other authentication methods for "Destroy endpount"

    Today it is only possible to use PASSWORD:1 for Destroy Endpoint. We would like to have the ability to use other Methods like, LDAP_PASSWORD:1, TOTP:1, HOTP:1 etc.

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    Method: Password Policy

    An Option to set different Password Policy for each user Group, if the Password set as a chain from MFA such as Pin + OTP. We want able to set for the UserGroups a Simple ...

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    Easy changable text in enrollment portal

    It would be nice to have a easy option to change the text that are displayed in the enrollment portal. Something like the custom names but more for text in the portal. I ...

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    More descriptive confirmation message when deleting OTP token

    Current situation: When hitting delete on an OTP token, the confirmation dialog "Do you want to continue?" shows. From there you hit either OK or CANCEL. Desired ...

  • Votes


    Allow multifactor when enrolling smartphone via /smartphone/enroll url ...

    As an Administrator of AAf, admin should be able to add MFA for direct smartphone enrollment url as well. Currently, the product (AAf 6.2) support direct smartphone ...

  • Votes


    Share secret questions between accounts

    Like PIN, HOTP, U2F, and others, we would like to be able to share secret questions from one account to another.