• Votes


    HelpDesk Portal - Search for Yubikey via S/N

    It would be helpful for our helpdesk personnel to be able to search for a yubikey via the serial number to see the user who has it assigned.

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    Disable modification of automatically enrolled Authenticators in the ...

    Some Authenticators are automatically created by Advanced Authentication, e.g. LDAP password. If you click on the Authenticator in the Self-Service portal, the Edit page ...

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    Repository Search Option

    Requested by: Cerner Description: Provide option to search all repositories and list user id's if multiples are found. Return all matches

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    Display current time on appliance

    If time sync is off no way to see in Admin Portal or Appliance portal. Often told do not access console however this is the only way I can get current time when having ...

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    icon to visually show changes in admin portal like in sspr

    With SSPR you see an icon on anything modified from default or edited. Would be a nice visual.

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    Change Password does not display text passwords do not match

    SR # 101281110041 Have a customer that is asking for text to be displayed when passwords do not match. Currently we have a red line around new and confirm password and ...

  • Planned


    granular rights for authenticator sharing

    Customer needs this option on the one hand for admins, but it could be to much risk if a helpdesk employee can takeover an CxO authenticator provide an extra role to ...

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    NAM OAuth redirect uri example in OAuth2 Event creation

    When wanting to enable NAM with AA the redirect URI is really challenging to find in docs. Any way to have either a mouse over description text with example NAM URI ...

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    audit changes in admin portal like in sspr

    How SSPR has who made what change and when would be a nice visual to see who has made a change.

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    Show something when new server is installed before restart countdown ...

    When you are finishing a new install and it takes time to restart nothing is shown. Would be nice to have something there stating or showing we are busy and be patient.

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    Ability to reorder reports on Reports portal

    Today they are created and listed in order of creation. Would be nice to have ability alphabetize or even reorder from Admin portal under Reports.

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    Provide quick links in Admin Portal like we have in Appliance Portal

    Using the :9443 we login as root and have links at the bottom. Customer would like a way to have the same from Admin portal (/admin).

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    Request New Token

    Requested by: Client Description: User should be able to report lost/stolen token and request replacement