• Planned


    Integrate AT citizen card ( Buergerkarte ) as authenticator

    the information around the citizen card are limited however you can have a look here: There are two options of the "Buergerkarte": As mobile ignatur and as Smart Card ...

  • Votes


    Rolling over RADIUS authentication

    getting a possibility to check PIN + OTP on AA and once this is not accepting / valid fowarding the PIN and OTP to a 3rd party AAA server -> using then the Radius Client ...

  • Votes


    view only admin category

    In the Admin UI there's currently no way to configure a "view only" account. Therefore a new role should be introduced so that a user can login on the Admin UI to reflect ...

  • Votes


    Option to hide QR Code in TOTP enrollment

    It would be a good feature if there is an option to disable the QR-Code or hide the QR Code, if TOTP method is enrolled. If a user re-open an enrolled T-OTP over the ...

  • Planned


    search field for locked user for the helpdesk portal / ability to ...

    It would be a good to add these two features. 1) Add search field to search for users in the locked users-list 2) If a user will be opened in the help desk (where you can ...

  • Votes


    Ability to deactivate self enrollment for specific methods

    In some cases it is desirable if a admin can configure that it is not possible for an user to (over)write specific methods in the self enrollment. For more flexibillity ...

  • Votes


    Extend REST-API - Assign User to existing OTP Token or Bulk import

    Please add these two functions in the Rest-API 1) Assign Users to an Existing OTP Token which is imported 2) Import for OTP tokens with Serialnumber & set a flag to make ...

  • Votes


    Ability that an enroll admin can only manage users from specific ...

    Today every enroll admin can set or change methods for every user. This can be a security risk. We would like to have the ability that an enroll admin can only manage ...

  • Votes


    Certificate filter - Hide expired certificates

    Please hide expired certificates in the "certificate list" during the PKI enrollment

  • Votes


    Simplified authentication in offline mode

    With AAF it is possible to configure a Simplified authentication "Last logon tracking options". "This policy helps you to automatically move to a simple chain that ...

  • Planned


    Support for more Linux distribution

    Some customer would like to integrate the AAF with other linux derivatives as example debian. So it is possible to get more security on environments with different ...

  • Votes


    Check for the similarity of the new passwords with the password ...

    Method: Password New Option: Check for the similarity of the new passwords with the password history

  • Votes


    Support FIDO 2 for Windows Authentication

    AAF supports only FIDO2 for webauthentication. Please add support for FIDO2 authentication in the windows login.

  • Votes


    Ability for caching shared (linked) authenticators

    In reference to SR#101184179111 Today, AAF is not able to cache credentials on windows,linux, macos for users they are using shared (linked) authenticators. Please ...

  • Votes


    Add NAS-IP-Address to Radius event

    Please add NAS-IP-Address (Attribut-Type 4) to Radius event. Because some Appliances (as example Cisco ASA) do not support NAS-Identifier.

  • Votes


    Provide PKCS#11 (SmartCard) Libraries automatically

    Please provide several PKCS#11 Libraries (Safenet[Gemalto,Axalt,...], OpenSC, CardOS, YubiKey, etc) automatically with the Device Service. This makes it easier to use ...

  • Votes


    Ability to authenticate trough RADIUS if LDAP Passwor dis expired

    Please provide an option to allow authentication trough RADIUS if LDAP Password is expired. Today: It is not possible to authenticate trough the radius event with a ...

  • Votes


    Improve Client Log rotation

    Please improve the client log rolling The debugging of a sporadically issue is very worse if the logging is running several days/weeks. Today for the naming of the log ...

  • Votes


    Possibility to Using Minidriver from with Smartcards

    Please provide the additional ability to using smart cards over the minidriver on the operating system

  • Votes


    Helpdesk - Enhancements

    1) User Logs: Show the IP-Adress from the accessing Radius Client (, which can be a VPN Server, etc.) which sends the authentication request to AAF As an ...