• Votes


    Use STARTTLS for LDAP-based repositories

    LDAP supports STARTTLS to encrypt communications using TLS. STARTTLS begins as a plaintext connection over the standard LDAP port (389), and that connection is then ...

  • Votes


    Remember the last chain used to authenticate to the workstation

    Current situation: When a user attempts to authenticate to a Windows workstation, the chains are displayed in the order that they were added in to the event in. Desired ...

  • Votes


    Separate out application logs into it's own tab/file

    Current situation: Application logs (in CEF) are written to Syslog. Syslog also has OS-related information written to it. It is sometimes difficult to find certain ...

  • Votes


    Multiple NAS Identifiers in a single RADIUS event

    Request: We would like to assign multiple NAS Identifiers to a single RADIUS event. Use case: We have F5 BIG IP load balancer to balance RADIUS traffic to our web ...

  • Votes


    Set CEF log forward policy per site

    We want to forward the CEF logs to our enterprise logging solution that has data collectors all over the globe. It would be desirable to set the Syslog destination on a ...

  • Planned


    Hide offline OTP option if offline OTP is disabled in Smartphone ...

    Current situation: When offline OTP is disabled for the Smartphone method, the user is still presented the ability to authenticate with the offline OTP at the AAF web ...

  • Votes


    Allow the servers used by a repository to be configured on one site ...

    Current situation: The configuration for a repository is replicated to each site except for the servers. It requires the administrator set the servers on each site and ...

  • Votes


    Option to use repositories instead of groups

    Everywhere we can limit something by group, it would be nice to be able to limit by repository as well. We have a repository that contains only user objects. We can ...

  • Votes


    Share secret questions between accounts

    Like PIN, HOTP, U2F, and others, we would like to be able to share secret questions from one account to another.

  • Votes


    Share smartphone method between accounts

    Like PIN, HOTP, U2F, and others, we would like to be able to share the smartphone method from one account to another.

  • Votes


    Syslog messages for failed attempts to AdminUI and Helpdesk events due ...

    Current situation: Today, when a user attempts to login to the AdminUI and authenticates successfully but does not have the proper authorization (i.e. does not have the ...

  • Votes


    More descriptive confirmation message when deleting OTP token

    Current situation: When hitting delete on an OTP token, the confirmation dialog "Do you want to continue?" shows. From there you hit either OK or CANCEL. Desired ...

  • Votes


    Deleting a Smartphone authenticator in the NetIQ app deletes the ...

    Current situation: If you delete a Smartphone authenticator from the Self-Service portal/server-side, the Smartphone authenticator on your NetIQ app is deleted. However, ...

  • Planned


    Increase max email OTP TTL

    Current situation: The max email OTP TTL is set at 360 seconds. Desired situation: We have the need for the email OTP TTL to be set at a higher value. Please allow the ...

  • Votes


    Change or delete a single secret question

    We would like the ability to delete or change the answer to a single secret question. As it seems now, when a user wants to change the value for a secret question or have ...

  • Votes


    Different languages per email OTP template

    Today we can have customized method settings per event for email one time password. We would like to see this further extended so that within the customized method ...

  • Votes


    Don't include Smartphone enrollments as part of backed up app data for ...

    This behavior was observed when a user migrated from an older iPhone to a new iPhone but may also apply to Android devices. Current situation: The Smartphone enrollments ...

  • Votes


    Change Keyboard Selection at NetIQ Client

    We have Windows systems in all regions of the world and often times are logging into systems in regions outside our working location. This means we are often challenged ...

  • Votes


    Event Based Lockout Policies

    We would like to see event based lockout policies with the ability to configure different lockout attempt thresholds and durations and not effect other events for the ...

  • Planned


    Allow Windows Client (and Linux/Mac) to set locale in ...

    We have the need for certain Windows clients to have a specific locale set in the config.properties file. This should override the OS locale.