• Votes


    File Connector should support an option to rename the processed logs

    Originally tracked in bug: https://bugzilla.netiq.com/show_bug.cgi?id=455690 The file connector should follow the pattern that IDM follows, which is simply provide the ...

  • Votes


    Support the Gofer daemon for Redhat systems

    goferd is a systems management component used by older Redhat systems. It's since superceded, but some customers may need to support it because it's already part of ...

  • Votes


    Samba v2 and v3 support in file connector

    File connector should be able to use SMB v2 and v3.

  • Planned


    Forwarding of netflow data

    The ability to forward raw netflow data using spoofed or non spoofed source address. Allowing additional tools to get flow data

  • Planned


    Raw bulk syslog event forwarding

    Allow forwarding of raw syslog events at volume to additional locations with the ability to spoof the source ip on UDP sessions

  • Planned


    Support both IPv4 and IPv6 for IP2Location

    IP2Location offers IPv4 and IPv6 as separate databases (e.g. DB5 & DB5IPV6) so the feed should be capable of processes both CSV's into Map without the need for complex ...

  • Planned


    Extend Feed Frequency Options

    At the moment the minimum Feed frequency is Weekly. Considering IP2Location only updates their databases once a month, this weekly minimum is a waste of resources to ...

  • Votes


    Browse to AD objects when creating correlation rule or lists.

    It would be good if we could leverage some of the technology in CG to browse to AD objects when creating correlation rule or lists.

  • Votes


    brocade collector

    Sentinel does not currently have a brocade collector plugin.

  • Votes


    Cyber Ark Collector

    I would like to request a collector for Cyber Ark. I have seen this asked by multiple customers.

  • Votes


    Customer needs the ability to process EVTX files from netapp

    Sentinel should be capable of ingesting evtx files from netapp

  • Planned


    Kaspersky Security Center Collector

    Kaspersky is one of the Top 5 Security Solutions on the market. Collectors for McAfee, Sophos, Symantec, Trend Micro exist, the creation of a Kaspersky Security Center ...

  • Planned


    User behavior analytics(UBA)

    All leading SIEM products provide UBA; its a must feature for any modern-day SIEM. Unavailability of UBA is one of the major reason, competitors take edge in POC demos ...

  • Planned


    Meraki Firewall Collector Plugin development

    The Cisco Meraki proprietary packet processing engine analyzes network traffic up to and including layer 7. Cisco Meraki's next generation firewall controls evasive, ...

  • Votes


    Integrate with Serena tools for IT service management

    Companies who handle their ITIL processes using Serena want to do the same for their incident response process. The "Computer Security Incident Response Plan Management" ...

  • Votes


    Read SAP Security Audit Log via RSAU_API_GET_ALERTS

    From SAP Note 2191612 - FAQ | Use of Security Audit Log as of SAP NetWeaver 7.50 42. Can recorded events be promptly transferred to a central alert cockpit? The RFC ...

  • Votes


    Add FQDN host fields

    Currently Sentinel splits fully qualified DNS names into a Hostname and the Domain part. That makes it diffucult to use thread intelligence feeds in dynamic lists, as ...

  • Votes


    syslog connector to route events based on CEF Vendor Product

    Add an an additional “CEFVendorProduct” Package Policy, which works just like “Application ID” but uses the two CEF header fields for routing decision. The precedence of ...

  • Votes


    Salesforce collector

    Micro Focus should have a Salesforce collector. this from Salesforce describes a very typical usecase: ...

  • Votes


    Micro Focus should have a MS Dynamics collector +

    Micro Focus should have a collector that supports MS Dynamics in the cloud but preferrably all services that a Sentinel customer is using from MS Azure. Here's MS page ...