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    Multiple enrollment invite custom templates

    We require ability to create multiple custom template This would require ability to override email template language set in mobile enrollment policy, as per ...

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    Override mobile enrollment policy language on invite

    Need to be able to override the language set in mobile enrollment policy when inviting users to enroll mobile devices

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    Android force default Launcher

    For work managed devices, many companies will enforce a default launcher in cases where multiple devices across manufacturers are enrolled. This is usually via ...

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    Android zen app micro revision numbering required

    The current 3 group numbering scheme isn't enough to differentiate between the Android agent builds. This can be an issue with beta and LightHouse release candidates, as ...

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    List applied Mobile device policies info for troubleshooting

    To assist in troubleshooting mobile devices, we need both ZCC Mobile device summary page, and the Zenworks mobile device apps to show applied policies and versions. This ...