• Votes


    Make the NuRM a configurable , repeating task.

    Make the NuRM a configurable , repeating task. i.e. Admin sets a user map source and an AD match (Cn vs samaccountname) and then it runs on a repeating schedule to make ...

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    Improve Multipath Handling for OES

    Currently, with OES 11 SP2 on SLES 11 SP3. When a SAN administrator presents a new lun or resizes and existing one to the server, the only way for the server to see the ...

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    Automatic certificate handling with single repository for server ...

    SSL certificates reside in multiple locations on the OES Linux servers. If the certificates must be replaced due to expiration or other issues this means that copies must ...

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    Open Source eDirectory

    I believe that many members of the community if they think about it would want to see NetIQ/Novell Open Source eDirectory while continuing to be the project ...

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    Add support to NSS so that 3nd parties can restore to the file level ...

    Novell needs to update SMS on NSS so that 3nd parties like Veeam can restore to the file level with 'rights' and directories for that matter with 'rights'. I know that ...

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    OES Client to work off-site

    Laptop use in increasing amongst our users. If a user is off-site, they cannot access our file servers directly using NCP or CIFS and have to deliberately choose to use ...

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    Novell CIFS to act as Apple Time Machine

    Apple have published this standard to allow NAS boxes etc. to act as "Time Machine" servers. ...

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    Delegate Control functionality should work

    Per TID 7003443 (https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7003443) when using MMC: Active Directory Users and Computers -> Select Domain -> Right Click -> Delegate ...

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    Use letsencrypt for all OES certs

    Certificates management is tiresome and lack of proper use encourages insecure systems. There is a new, open, and free system that can securely automate SSL/TLS ...

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    OES NSS encrypted volumes - check for password length in nssmu

    OES 2018 encrypted volumes Problem: the maximum password length for encrypted volumes is 16 chars while creating a encrypted NSS volume nssmu does not check the length ...

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    Common Appliance for Micro Focus products and Add-ons

    for easy deployment, maintaining and scaling it would be good to have a common appliance for Micro Focus products and Add-ons - Deployment as VM basic template ...

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    NSS Pool Move is an excellent start, but we also need "Cross Server" ...

    Using pool move to relocate a pool from one piece of storage to an alternative storage location on the same server. In a cluster it take the concept to a whole new level ...

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    Develop Ruby/Python Dev Libraries

    It would be great to have a set of development libraries for managing OES and eDirectory. This would include directory management, trustee settings, file-system ...

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    Make OES core components open source and part of SUSE

    Make OES core services open source and part of SUSE I know: this is easier said then done. For that, I will not too much go into the patent/lagel/IP stuff that may be ...

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    WMI Filters for Processing GPOs

    We would like to leverage WMI filters for applying Group Policies

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    standardize the OES logs to be in a standard format that any ...

    Today you have to jump thru hoops to use OES logs like any other log from ay other system/ Logs should be standardized to match typical syslog standard allowing all ...

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    Prepare to provide NOWS as bunch of Virtual Appliances

    That is eDirectory Appliance, File Sharing Appliance, iPrint Appliance, iFlir Appliance, Vibe Appliance, GroupWise Appliance Bunch (MTA, POA and GWIA as separated ...

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    Create the full OES client based on SLED as virtual appliance

    with pre-installed iPrint, Filr Desktop, Vibe Desktop, Groupwise and OES client, native application (no one) or with Wine (yep)...

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    personal cloud-store integration for cold-data

    I think cloud-integration for cold-data is a cool future to take advantage of the new cloud features in the well-proved world of OES file-services. First we heard about ...

  • Planned


    SMT should be usable at OES2018 (Check TID7023687)

    SMT-Service is included in OES2018. But it does not run (Check TID7023687). Maybe because lack of a renewd API. We do not use SUSE-Manager to maintain our OES-Hosts. We ...