NRM for NetWare shows correct NCP locking information about an open file and allows the administrator to unlock the file. NRM for Linux OES shows useless "lsof" locking information about an open file and does not allow the administrator to unlock the file. Even though making the file locking information with NRM for Linux OES similar to the file locking information with NRM for NetWare, the current file locking information looks like a cheap solution and can be considered a bug.

At this moment 'ncpcon files list f=<path_to_file>' and 'ncpcon files close f=<path_to_file>' is the only way to view which users has locked a file on which connections with which rights and to close the file, if necessary. Novell Remote Manager on OES2015 SP1 shows the file is in use, but only shows "lsof" information about the open file, which is not sufficient to actually see which users have it in use and it neither allows closing the file. Modification of this 'feature' in NRM would be an enhancement and can be requested per enhancement request. Not sure if it is feasible to make it work for the 'File Information' feature in NRM, so that the customer can browse to the file and view the locking information and even unlock the file, instead of typing difficult, case-sensitive paths in ncpcon. TIP: if the customer does not first enter ncpcon, but types 'ncpcon files list f=/media/nss/VOL...' at the shell, he can use [Tab]-completion to help completing the subdirectory and file names.


  • Still no change in OES2018SP1 ...

  • This was a standard admin feature way back in netware and should be available in OES Linux platform.