• Votes


    Drag drop and move folder within each other in Retain

    For now you can not move any folder to in our out to any folder, if this happens drag and drop would be effective.

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    Offer new time for meeting on webclient

    We do not have option for this on webclient.

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    Webclient - Show week numbers on calender

    Show week number on calender webaccess/webclient

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    Customized Button for Action

    Groupwise Client: Allow add buttons that launch customizable action/rule in selected mails. Example: when press the custom button then move selected mail at custom ...

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    WebAccess should not show IMAP-deleted mails like normal mails

    If a user deletes or moves mails, they are first marked deleted and only later "expunged". While those mails are not yet "expunged" GroupWise Client shows them striked ...

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    Remove 'Run' from WebAccess Vacation Rule

    Some users don't understand, they don't have to click "Run" to activate their Vacation Rule; and of course they don't read/understand the warning - which results in ...

  • Votes


    Display the login screen automatically when the session of a WebAccess ...

    At the moment when a WebAccess session times out, the browser still displays the last state of the mailbox. There is nothing on the screen that tells you that your ...

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    more control over GW Webaccess login page

    guys, we understand the new branding for MicroFocus, but the existing shocking blue on the gw webaccess login page is too much. Give us the ability to change colors on ...

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    Webbased access to Messenger

    ability to login to a webbased client through browser when I'm away from my desk.

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    webcaccess - immediately show read or delete (automatic refresh)

    most annoying thing in webaccess is that read or delete an email is not immediately visibile in the mailbox or other folders. You have to refresh to get the mail unread ...

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    webaccess - optional display also sent mails in mailbox

    In the Windows Client I can change the mailbox settings to show also sent mails. This is missing in the webaccess.

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    webaccess - image from clipboard

    Copy and Paste an image right into the message should be possible. Idealy it should be possible to resize it after paste.

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    Web Access Voting

    Extending the current Voting features available through the client to the WebAcess GUI. When looking at an email with a voting option now through WebAcess client it had ...

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    Webaccess - drag and drop other e-mails to a new one

    As for files planned, it should possible to add multiple e-mails over drag and drop as an attachment, too. Or select multiple e-mails and right-click and forward as ...

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    GroupWise Web Client: E-mail forwarding switch form mime (MIME) to ...

    I can access a GroupWise mailbox only via a Web client. Standard for forwarders is mime (MIME). In web Client there is no way to switch from MIME to HTML format In ...

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    Have "custom date" css file so WebAccess updates don't re-apply US ...

    You can edit the CssResources_XX.properties file to make the data format you want for your country but it is overwritten every patch with a default US date format file. ...

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    Have date picker for re-occurring dates

    Currently the windows client has a date picker where you can select non-sequential dates for a reoccurring appointment. Do the same for WebAccess

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    Allow access to all proxy accounts from a single page

    Instead of opening proxy accounts in a separate window treat them as part of the folder view on the users mail page & calendar list on the calendar page. This would ease ...

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    Put Novell GroupWise Address Book back in the search order.

    The Novell GroupWise Address Book always used to be part of the Address book search order but now is always searched last. Give use the ability to change the order the ...

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    Right Click add new user to address book

    Email addresses now hold a lot of user information rather than cutting & pasting it all separately into a new contact right click on an email address in WebAccess and ...