The Novell GroupWise Address Book always used to be part of the Address book search order but now is always searched last.
Give use the ability to change the order the Novell GroupWise Address Book is searched and the ability to remove it from the search list.
while searching the Novell GroupWise Address Book first is cumbersome for larger organisations smaller ones would benefit having the Novell GroupWise Address Book searched first especially if they use internal email more often than external.


  • Yes the internal Adressbook should have higher priority.

  • Even worse with 2014 SP2 you remove the possibility the defined a search order at all for Address Books. Please bring back the ability to define the search order for address books.

  • In our Organisation with more than 4500 Users, is a working addressbook absolutly nessesary.

  • this lost Feature is a must have!

  • we need it back also

  • Want it back too, many internal contacts shown their external, or private mail address first, because of having it in a private address book, its a pain!

  • Yes, defining search order needs to come back or the GroupWise address book needs to be given priority... or make it a managed Client Option for Address Book in the web console to select if it should be first or last priority per your organization's preference.

    This feature has vanished a couple of times and every time it has caused trouble. There is always an executive who emails an employee's personal account instead of GroupWise because that entry shows up first in autocomplete. Trust me, they don't like "you need to pay attention to what you're doing" or "you need to clean up addresses that you don't need" as ways to prevent it from happening again.

  • The search order of the address books should be freely adaptable for each user so that the name sufficiency meets his inductive requirements. In addition, the administrators would be able to specify a search order and name extension as a template for each Groupwise client.

  • Need to be able to set a priority for the address book name completion. Would like to set system as highest priority.