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    Add NAS-IP-Address to Radius event

    Please add NAS-IP-Address (Attribut-Type 4) to Radius event. Because some Appliances (as example Cisco ASA) do not support NAS-Identifier.

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    Provide PKCS#11 (SmartCard) Libraries automatically

    Please provide several PKCS#11 Libraries (Safenet[Gemalto,Axalt,...], OpenSC, CardOS, YubiKey, etc) automatically with the Device Service. This makes it easier to use ...

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    Ability to authenticate trough RADIUS if LDAP Passwor dis expired

    Please provide an option to allow authentication trough RADIUS if LDAP Password is expired. Today: It is not possible to authenticate trough the radius event with a ...

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    Improve Client Log rotation

    Please improve the client log rolling The debugging of a sporadically issue is very worse if the logging is running several days/weeks. Today for the naming of the log ...

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    Possibility to Using Minidriver from with Smartcards

    Please provide the additional ability to using smart cards over the minidriver on the operating system

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    Helpdesk - Enhancements

    1) User Logs: Show the IP-Adress from the accessing Radius Client (, which can be a VPN Server, etc.) which sends the authentication request to AAF As an ...

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    Offline Update for AAF

    It would be nice if you make a solution to update AAF with an offline file over the Web Management Console (9443). Reason: In some customer environments it is not ...

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    AAF Webserver without directly connection to LDAP

    In adition to https://ideas.microfocus.com/MFI/advance-authentication/Idea/Detail/14920 It would be very nice if an AAF Webserver may check user data directly over their ...

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    Gernerate OTPs for other Services with the OTP Tool

    Customers wish an ability to generate OTPs for other services with the OTP Tool.

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    Ability to enroll Windows Hello Fingerprint / Face Recognition ...

    Provide the ability to easy enroll the Windows Hello "Face Recognition, Fingerprint, etc" directly with the self enrollment portal. Provide also the ability to do this ...

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    Igel ThinClient Support

    It will be great if Igel ThinClients will be supported. We expect more than 10.000 Users which will need this.

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    Helpdesk - Granular access rights for enrolladmin to edit users

    Today every Enroll-Admin can change all authenticator of every users. This may cause a security issue. Which means that an enroll admin can take over an account from ...

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    Helpdesk - Two-Eyes procedure to change authenticator from user

    In regard to this Idea: https://ideas.microfocus.com/MFI/advance-authentication/Idea/Detail/15336 It would be good if there is an option to define which groups need a ...

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    REST-API Allow other authentication methods for "Destroy endpount"

    Today it is only possible to use PASSWORD:1 for Destroy Endpoint. We would like to have the ability to use other Methods like, LDAP_PASSWORD:1, TOTP:1, HOTP:1 etc.

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    Radius only return the CN from the group name

    Some customers have trouble with specific VPN Solutions from Cisco or Watchguard. Because with this tools it seems that there is a limitation for the group name field (as ...

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    AAF should recognize if user was authenticated by thirdparty before ...

    In our viewpoint AAF should be able to recognize if the user comes from the ThinClient. For an example: Scenario1: ThinClient & Citrix &VDI (without AAF) 1. Customer ...

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    More flexibility for Reports

    Some customers wish more flexibility for their Reports. Please provide an option that an admins can select which specific information are needed for the report. As an ...

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    MFA Smartphone native NetIQ App avoid additonal info after QR code ...

    - Customer uses AAF Version: 5.6 and Access Manager 4.4. - Using the current version, an additonal info entry is offered after the scan of the QR code for an ...

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    Native U2F Support beyond chrome browser

    Since chrome support for FIDO U2F was added some time ago but now other browsers like Firefox support it as well. While it does work if enabled manually on older firefox ...

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    Brute force / BOT Attack and Data leakage Prevention

    A change in authentication flow can help prevent brute force bot attacks: 1. Information leakage - valid usernames & passwords discovery 2. User lockout due to bad ...