• Votes


    Sentinel should have the capailty to add a tag within the agent ...

    Sentinel should have the capability to add a tag to devices and groups within the agent manager sentinel GUI Currently you can only add a tag in event sources. It would ...

  • Votes


    Possibility to restart individual Event source via CLI or REST API

    Background: We have severe problems with File Connector log sources and have not get solution for that yet. For some reason file reading hangs occasionaly and never ...

  • Votes


    Update SSL Certificates

    Please either allow or build in a function to allow the update of an SSL certificate issued from either a third party CA or an internal CA for website functionality. In ...

  • Votes


    File Connector - Keep file offset data stored while moving log source ...

    Now, when moving file log source from cm to another it does not store offset data. This should be fixed. -Br, TimoS

  • Votes


    Correlation Rules Firing - Scheduled Email Alerts

    The ability to have emails from correlation rule event firing to go to a different (or additional) email address during a certain time period would be invaluable. e..g ...

  • Votes


    Ability to Export\Import Routing Rules

    In some environments there may be many routing rules configured in Sentinel to do things like forward events via Sentinel link, tag events, or forward to another syslog ...

  • Votes


    Make Data Source selection permanent

    Data Source selection should be made permanent so that it is selected every time you make a search. Now it should be manually ticked every time you make a new search.

  • Votes


    Customisation WebUI

    Like in other Soltware solutions there should be a possibility to customise the Login Page of Sentinel. There should be two things: - customize the login page with the ...

  • Votes


    Asset mapping for hostnames

    Current Asset mapping works only for IP and tenant name as a keys. But some customers use hostnames as the asset identification as they use DHCP servers. It is not ...

  • Votes


    Multiple roles for users

    Current user role allocation supports well administration, but how to allocate rights easily in user environment (for users that only go there to search events and run ...

  • Votes


    Enable Users to Toggle Case Sensitivity in Dynamic Lists

    When leveraging values in dynamic lists, Sentinel currently enforces case sensitivity when using those values in correlation rules. In some cases, this can be misleading ...

  • Votes


    Customize Email-Alert fields

    Situation: in the js-email-alert function you can choose between "Important Data", "All-Data", and "Minimal Data". If you use CustomVariable or need some other variables ...

  • Votes


    Email zipped events in notification when correlation rule hits.

    We need the events to be zipped in mail notification as it becomes easier to analyze events if there are too many events.

  • Votes


    Email zipped events in notification when correlation rule hits.

    We need the events to be zipped in mail notification as it becomes easier to analyze events if there are too many events.

  • Votes


    authorization for actions

    Allow actions to have access controls and be aware of the user running the action. I may have users in role 1 that I with to allow to disable switch ports through an ...

  • Planned


    Export PDF reports with password protection in Sentinel

    The possibility to export reports (CSV, PDF or other format) with password protection to increase security and sending by email.