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    Access Manager Feature: Checkbox for a plain reverse proxy

    We use Access Manager as a general reverse proxy. I tried to add a Microsoft Project server reverse proxy (on Sharepoint on IIS), but I needed to configure a bunch of ...

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    Alllow to configure remote contract for step up authention with ...

    Would like ability to define a remote contract fro step-up authentication in a risk baseed pre-auth policy. As it stands now only have the ability to define a class or ...

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    ZCM Inventory form on MAC device

    In huge organization, the mac devices are common, we should be able to fill inventory form on Mac device to have a consitent inventory.

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    Advanced Authentication - Security Questions - Question Pool

    The Advanced Authentication - Security Questions Method. This should be setup similar to SSPR where you have a pool of question. The admin selects the number of questions ...

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    SSPR - <reply-to> element missing

    Hi, Just like drivers and workflows SSPR should have the option of configuring <reply-to> element. This would facilitate the user to reply back to the received email to ...

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    PAM Credential Vault SSO when logging into PAM admin portal

    Login to PAM Admin portal, select "Credential Vault" Login to PAM Admin again that has new UI Would be nice where the second login is not required when already logged ...

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    PAM SSH relay authentication for multiple source of authentication

    We have a need for using different authentication source depending upon which nodes a user connects to via SSH relay. Currently we are using eDirectory as a source for ...

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    SSPR - Idle timeout counter running when user not logged in and show ...

    Why the counter running when user not logged in to the application. Every time when the counter run out a timeout message shows. Other web pages can count the idle only ...

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    Add support for eg. Google Authenticator to webaccess etc.

    As we experience demand for an easy, and accessible 2-factor validation method - then support for Google Authenticator could be a solution. Best regards Flemming

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    improve ZCM remote control

    delete -- wrong section

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    novell client 4.91 enabel auto reconnect

    in novell client 4.91sp5 didn't auto-reconnect option to enable. please add this option for windows xp client.

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    Remove duplicate devices in Filr (930927)

    Filr shows multiple devices for each user in the web console. There should only be a single device for each user. The additional devices need to be removed to make this ...

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    Provide statistics information regarding queries, users, returned ...

    Problem: For an eDirectory administrator, or especially for an application developer who is using eDirectory on a backend, to determine if a query is completely broken, ...

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    Access Manager should support trust delegation for SSO

    Access Manager should support trust delegation for SSO. The user can delegate the login to another trustee.

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    Allow 'sub' attribute in NAM Open ID Connect Access/ID tokens to be ...

    This value has little downstream relevance, and applications potentially use this value for mapping to users in systems which obviously won't know this opaque value. ...

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    Add SP and IDP metadata expiration date query to REST API

    For automated monitoring, it would be really helpful to have a REST URL where one could query the expiration date of Service and Identity Provider's metadata. This way, ...

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    SSPR - ability to setup different types of directories profiles

    Need to be able to setup different directory profiles in SSPR. We have a use case where eDirectory and AD domain passwords are not synced but need users to be able to ...

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    PAM-RDP Relay should work on customized port instead of default port ...

    PAM-RDP Relay should work on customized port instead of default port 3389, along with that the below should not be a constraint Disable Network level Authentication for ...

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    eDirectory - option to delete inhibit a user object.

    eDirectory - option to delete inhibit a user object. We have a business need to block the deletion of certain accounts in confidential situations, like a person is on ...

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    CLE for Mac

    Curently, only Windows (desktop) users can have a CLE. We use CLE for SSPR (forgotten password). Mac users inside the company can not use sspr since a Mac client is ...