We use Access Manager as a general reverse proxy. I tried to add a Microsoft Project server reverse proxy (on Sharepoint on IIS), but I needed to configure a bunch of stuff in authentication and whatnot.

The same goes for putting UserApp behind NAM. I don't want to configure SSO, I just want it reverse proxied. Don't touch the contents of it, just reverse proxy. This is by default not possible and some stuff needs to be configured in the AG and in the application.

I'd like a checkbox saying; "Plain reverse proxy" so that it does júst that. That would enable fast publishing of multiple webservices on one plain IP address and I don't need to have extra boxes doing that with squid.


  • Bas, not sure what you mean. We have several reverse proxies set up with no SSO, Authentication Procedure, Authorization, Identity Injection or Form Fill, and certainly no modification to the application. A protected resource list with one URL of /* should be the only required setting?