It would be a great addition to have a Files Drop feature in Filr. Anonymous/external users can now drag a file into a upload only interface and drop the file(s) there so that the file will be uploaded to Filr local storage. Here we then can analyze the file (Virus/malware scan, etc) and allow the chosen destination user access to the file.

-This would allow us to block incoming attachments in email messages and force users to inbound leverage Filr for this. Prevents the messaging system from growing, even better if we force them outbound to leverage Filr sharing.
-This would allow anyone to leave a file; optionally there would be the option the sending user gets and email back with a authorization key to make sure the sender has a valid email address. Sender can also have an external user account in Filr already. This would show a 'Files Drop' folder in 'Home' in which the file(s) can be uploaded and shared with an internal user.


  • This request was from a local government which has a lot of external organizations they work with and which need to send them files on a regular base. Also they would like this feature for civilians which need to send files to they organization. Today they leverage a complex secure email solution for this functionality with which the users are not happy cause it involves a lot of steps and has a bunch of dependencies.

  • Hi Sebastian. We have a solution called "SKyDrops". We could easily integrate it with Filr. We use it alread for file exchange with our customers. If this is of interest, please let me know.

  • See also for uploading files by a shared link.

  • We plan to add this capability in Filr's next release (version 3.3)

  • Thanks for all your inputs and interests on this!

    This is now available as part of Filr 3.3 (released today).

    Marking this idea as completed.