Inverse functionality of Share by Link. Not sharing a document but a placeholder where an non-Filr user can upload a file to. This could be used to replace FTPs for Uploading.
Possible options:
- One time use / Replaceable
- Restrictions in Type / Size
- API to request Upload Link (e.g. for Ticket systems to create a link when a ticket is opened)


  • The idea is ok but you could also just create a folder and share that folder with contributor rights to another person. This should at least be a workaround.

  • The "upload only" feature will be nice.
    A folder with contributor rights is not the same because user can delete file. In the web interface, impossible to update/upmoad a file if you are not the contibutor rights. In web interface, we are limited.

  • Yes, it´s a good idea

  • Great Idea!!!!

  • Good idea - Noted!

  • It's can be done with my idea "Sharing a folder by link (like a web page)"

  • I like this idea - very good!

  • As a University we really need something like this for the students to upload there exam!

  • This! is a great Idea!

  • That would be a great function!!!

  • After having discussed this requirement again with a few customers and partners I decided to change my mind in regards to what I said a year ago - oh, that long ago ;-) ?! ... (quote: "The idea is ok but you could also just create a folder and share that folder with contributor rights to another person. This should at least be a workaround.")
    In certain cases sharing a folder with someone with contributor rights might be a workaround but in most cases it isn't!
    Implementing a "share folder link"-feature would really be a big benefit for most customers.

    What needs to be done in Filr right now to allow someone to upload one single file?!
    1.) an internal users would need to follow a few steps to share a folder with an external user, granting this user contributor rights
    2.) the external user then needs to follow a few steps to self-provision his user account, i.e. click on a few links in a few emails being sent into his mailbox + enter (and remember) a valid password + click another link in another confirmation email being sent out ... etc.
    3.) finally the provisioned user would able to login and upload a file

    Remember: an external user only wants to upload a single file. Would you be willing to follow all these steps?
    All these steps introduce problems and challenges:
    - internal users want to get "the file" immediately, no time for a process like the one mentioned above
    - external users are not willing to follow all these steps only to upload a single file. "Dropbox does it with one click"
    - emails being sent to external users are likely to be marked as SPAM. This would mean that provisioning the user account can't be completed.
    - all the steps above take time
    - internal and/or external users might be dummies = let's see how a dummy explains the steps needed to upload a file to another dummy?
    - etc.
    Long story short: "Share folder link" like "Share file link" is a feature that would definitely be used by most customers!

  • Thanks for the detailed feedback Erik - noted. We will prioritize this accordingly.

  • We plan to add this capability in Filr's next release (version 3.3)

  • If we on the filr site could have a "Request upload link" that would suffice largly our request for Filr Drop Folders in
    When clicking that button the requesting user would see a list of users and groups the file(s) can be shared with. The recipient would get a notification and see the files in like Shared With Me.
    In the Filr administration console the button can should be enabled for public access and the admin should be able to setup a list of recipients (all, users, groups, exclude).

  • a must have!

  • Thanks for all your inputs and interests on this!

    This is now available as part of Filr 3.3 (released today).

    Marking this idea as completed.