Watermark Uploaded Files
Filr should provide options to Watermark Uploaded Files in an unobtrusive way.
The option should provide configurable options to handle
- Selection of Customized Logo or Banner of the institution
- Confidential water mark
- Orientation & Location of this watermark in every page
- Types of Files to be watermarked
- Watermark files based on parent Folder location
- Watermark files based on Groups / Users

This feature can help to verify the ownership of copyright and Authenticity of the enterprise digital assets(Files). This can also aid users in immediately recognizing if file is containing any highly confidential information, something they must be aware before they share

Watermark Downloaded / HTML Rendered Files

Filr should provide options to Watermark downloaded Files in an unobtrusive way.
The option should provide configurable options to handle
- Name of the User who downloaded this copy of the file.
- Orientation & Location of this watermark in every page
- Types of Files to be watermarked

This will help as deterrent for Data Breaches and also serve as a useful indicator of source , in case of breach


  • Watermark UPLOADED files? Which watermark should be put in?
    If it is one the Filr-Admin selects and puts on an uploaded file, how should this help in verifying the ownership of files? It causes ownership and authenticity problems.
    If it is one the uploader selects before uploading, this is some task solely in the responsibility of the uploader and imo nothing which should be handled by the transfer platform. (=Filr)

    I do see more use cases for the download part. However, modifying files and being 100%(!!!) sure of not damaging any data (signed files, etc.) is not an easy task.

    Overall, i think watermarking will do more harm than good.

    Best option would be to provide generic APIs and hooks and allow 3rd party stuff to add such functions.

  • Noted

  • Adding watermarkts will probably be limited to certain filetypes that support such or else may damage the file. To prevent data leaking I would suggest to try to keep the files in your safety 'zone' (like your DC) by only allow editing online or from a secured container/space.

    Online viewing and editing can be done for documents leveraging like LibreOffice Online (*1) or leverage a VDI solution if you like (or case you need to depending on application that is used for editing; AutoCAD etc).

    Offline editing could be done using syncing the files locally with Filr, but you have to secure the device in such way the user would not be able to take files out. ZCM with Full Disk Encryption and Endpoint Management could help here. Filr has planned to also encryp the Filr folders locally on a device (*2) which helps prevent file leaking. Not tested this yet, but you could setup a ZCM Desktop Containers solution to create an Office mobile application that is not able to save/copy outside it's bubble, but it would sync the bubbel back to the ZCMDC server. There are plan's to integrate Filr in this, not sure what the status is of that, but that would allow you to sync files directly into a virtualized application bubble.

    Also then the Mobile Management in ZCM and the just released ZCM Mobile Workspace (*3) could help for mobile devices as the latter makes sure the App is encrypted on the device. That would prevent users from moving content in and out of that bubble, but allows for communication between those. This way the Filr App can be used on any device for file access (and editing if like *1 is integrated) but the user cannot take files in/out or use copy/paste etc.

    Ultimately I would say we need a (Linux/OES/win backend) + Filr + ZCM solution to prevent data leaking can control files in the DC and on the Endpoints, kind of like what MS DLP does for Windows. The puzzel pieces are there, it's a matter of connecting those together.


  • BlackBerry has a solution for this using encrypted files locked to a DRM server called Workspaces, previously known as Watchdox. This is the type of file access control solution I'd like to see Filr become

  • @rodney this is kindoff my idea behind "Filr Workspace" as I believe it's essential Filr needs to get past just only providing file access and get into real (secure) collaboration to stay relevant. On purpose I did not get into too much detail for the IDEA as I would like to see this IDEA grow with the comments added on what people expect from such a solution.

    The thing that is holding us back here may be that the GroupWise team recently released "Teamworks" and also still covers the (non) development of Vibe which would interfere with Filr moving that way too. My opion is that TeamWorks is just limited to GroupWise as you need to buy the "Enterprise Messaging" suite to get that. IMO Vibe is just dead in the water.