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    SMS OTP request should allow to have a variable which have request ID ...

    This is something similar to the idea 'OTP Message should include a variable with the timestamp of the OTP' but instead timestamp a additional variable that allows to ...

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    SMS OTP and Mail OTP: Force number/mail validation during Save

    We would like to be able to force user to verify his email address / mobile number when they are adding/modofying manually an SMS OTP / Mail OTP method from ...

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    Option to enable automatic email to send reports to admins

    Option to send email with reporting to specific emails. ability to schedule reporting e.g. once a week to generate report with user activity etc.

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    The exported report to include combined metrics from sites

    Currently reports generated only for site, where it was initiated. It will be nice to have an option to select is specific report should be generated by site or cluster.